- ANALITICA Global Inc.
- New Delhi, India
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/priyankajhatheanalyst/
🔭 LearnPython Libraries: pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, plotly, cufflinks, BeautifulSoup, DateTime. from:My Python Libraries Tutorials
📝 Take a look at myPersonal Website:www.priyankajha24.wixsite.com
🌱 MyPortfolio Projects are in:Data Analyst Projects Repo.
👨💻 MyTableau Projects are at:Priyanka Jha - Tableau Public
📫 Email me at:priyanka.jha.social@gmail.com
⚡ Fun Fact:The most life-changing book for me is Bhagwad Gita.
- DataAnalystPortfolioProjects
DataAnalystPortfolioProjects PublicThis repository contains my Data Analytics portfolio projects ranging from SQL, Python, Tableau, Excel, and Hadoop (HiveQL).
- Python_MoviesIndustry_EDA
Python_MoviesIndustry_EDA PublicThis Python EDA project is to provide recommendations to Our hypothetical Company if they decided to enter the movie industry.
- YellowTaxiNYC_HiveCaseStudy
YellowTaxiNYC_HiveCaseStudy PublicThis repository shows the Case Study of Yellow Taxi Cabs of NYC, using the Hadoop-Hive ecosystem with HiveQL.
- PythonLibrariesTutorials
PythonLibrariesTutorials PublicThis repository contains tutorials about important python libraries: pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, plotly, cufflinks, BeautifulSoup, DateTime.
- Python_COVID-19_EDA
Python_COVID-19_EDA PublicThis EDA project is to investigate the COVID-19 infection and spreading in countries like the US, Canada, Taiwan, Singapore, China, India, and many European countries.
- SQL_Tableau_InstagramClone
SQL_Tableau_InstagramClone PublicThis MySQL-Tableau project is a cloned mimic version of Instagram's Database. I performed data analysis and answer real-world business-related questions.
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