mateapp | Creates a newMaterialApp widget, an application that uses Material Design components and theming. |
cupeapp | Creates a newCupertinoApp widget, an application that uses Cupertino (iOS-style) design components and theming. |
scaffold | Creates a newScaffold widget, implementing the basic Material Design visual layout structure including app bar, drawer, and floating action button. |
stl | Generates a newStatelessWidget class, a widget that does not require mutable state and is rebuilt only when the configuration changes. |
stlChild | Generates a newStatelessWidget class with a child widget, for cases where a single child widget needs to be passed and rendered. |
stf | Generates a newStatefulWidget class, a widget that has mutable state that can change over time, and its associatedState class. |
stfChild | Generates a newStatefulWidget class with a child widget, allowing for a stateful widget to have a single child widget passed in and managed. |
inh | Creates a newInheritedWidget class, which efficiently propagates information down the widget tree to descendants. |
of | Generates a staticof method for anInheritedWidget , returning the nearest widget of the specified type and creating a dependency on it. |
stateOf | Generates a staticstateOf method for aState object, returning theState object of the nearest ancestorStatefulWidget of the specified type. |
widgetOf | Generates a staticwidgetOf method for aWidget object, returning the nearest ancestor widget of the specified type. |
painter | Creates a newCustomPainter class, which provides a canvas on which to draw during the paint phase, used for drawing custom shapes and graphics. |
clipper | Creates a newCustomClipper class, used for defining custom clipping shapes for widgets. |
debugFillProperties | Generates adebugFillProperties method to add additional properties associated with the widget for debugging purposes. |
initS | Creates aninitState method, called when this object is inserted into the widget tree for the first time, typically used to initialize state. |
dispose | Creates adispose method, called when this object is permanently removed from the widget tree, used for cleanup of resources. |
reassemble | Creates areassemble method, called during debugging whenever the application is reassembled, for example, during a hot reload. |
didChangeD | Creates adidChangeDependencies method, called when a dependency of theState object changes. |
didUpdateW | Creates adidUpdateWidget method, called whenever the widget’s configuration changes. |
build | Generates abuild method, describing the part of the user interface represented by this widget. |
listViewBuilder | Creates aListView.builder , a scrollable list that lazily builds its children as they scroll into view, useful for large or infinite lists. |
listViewSeparated | Creates aListView.separated , a scrollable list that displays a separator widget between each child widget, ideal for lists with visually distinct sections. |
gridViewBuilder | Creates aGridView.builder , a scrollable grid of widgets that are created on demand. |
gridViewCount | Creates aGridView.count , a scrollable grid of widgets with a fixed number of tiles in the cross axis. |
gridViewE | Creates aGridView.extent , a scrollable grid of widgets with tiles that each have a maximum cross-axis extent. |
customScrollV | Creates aCustomScrollView , a scrollable area that creates custom scroll effects using slivers. |
builder | Creates aBuilder widget, which allows you to create a child widget in a way that depends on theBuildContext . |
wrapWithBuilder | Wraps the selected widget with aBuilder widget, delegating the widget building process to a callback. |
stfBuilder | Creates aStatefulBuilder widget, which allows for state management and rebuilding a specific portion of the widget tree. |
strBuilder | Creates aStreamBuilder widget, which rebuilds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with aStream . |
lisBuilder | Creates aListenableBuilder widget, which rebuilds itself based on the latest value of aListenable it listens to. |
valLisBuilder | Creates aValueListenableBuilder widget, which rebuilds itself based on the latest value of aValueListenable . |
animBuilder | Creates anAnimatedBuilder widget, which rebuilds itself based on an animation. |
switcher | Creates anAnimatedSwitcher widget, which switches between two children and animates the transition between them. |
orientBuilder | Creates anOrientationBuilder widget, which rebuilds itself based on the latest orientation of the device (portrait or landscape). |
layBuilder | Creates aLayoutBuilder widget, which rebuilds itself based on the latest layout constraints, useful for responsive layouts. |
repBound | Creates aRepaintBoundary widget, which isolates repaints so that a repaint of one child is separate from others, improving performance. |
singleChildSV | Creates aSingleChildScrollView widget, which allows a single child to be scrolled. |
futBuilder | Creates aFutureBuilder widget, which rebuilds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with aFuture . |
tweenAnimBuilder | Creates aTweenAnimationBuilder widget, which animates a property of a widget to a target value whenever the target value changes. |
testWidget | Creates atestWidgets function for testing a widget, typically used in Flutter's unit testing framework. |
row | Creates aRow widget, which displays its children in a horizontal array. |
col | Creates aColumn widget, which displays its children in a vertical array. |
wrap | Creates aWrap widget, which displays its children in multiple horizontal or vertical runs, wrapping to the next line when necessary. |
stack | Creates aStack widget, which allows you to place widgets on top of each other in a z-order. |
fittedbox | Creates aFittedBox widget, which scales and positions its child within itself according to the specified fit. |