Perkedel Technologies
- Jakarta, Indonesia
Here we have source code repositories & forks we got in this life if GitHub here yeah.
Share & Serve for Gratis, Open Source, &FULL VERSION!!!
it's not just a slogan, but our motto. What are we doing in this company. How do we supposed to do stuffs in this company, subsidiaries, etc. etc.
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- Joel is insectiphobia. If you are flying insect, or anything that based on insect, please pardon his jumpscare towards you (and probably loss of life), people. He is not racist, just scared of certain bugs, especially cockroaches.
- Joel likes Perkedel. it's fried mash potato. This explains the brand & the name of this company, just like presumably Apple or whatever it is.
- according to most name meaning databases,
meansson of God
. This probably explains Joel's fear of God, and some of the motive in this company that relates to Christianity. - Joel is the 1st father of Perkedel Technologies & the kingdom. Joel also is founder of Perkedel Technologies & its stuff that comes from it (notably Perkedel Cinematic Universe).
- Despite Joel being crybaby to this day, his language of crying evolves into even more complicated language as he grows. Right now, it is no longer litteral and can be found on some of his creations. It may needs some times to figure out if this is Joel was crying.
- Joel's account collections
- Go to Odysee now$/invite/@JOELwindows7
- If you that itch comment against Kart Kids published by SokPop, ignore it! That was Joel's stance against egregious paywall over a too simple game could be a freewarefrom serveral years ago. Today Joel already bought it, despite all the sloppy apology. And peck you, Google!! Rank that down, you cancel culture occultist!!!!
- HexagonEngine
HexagonEngine PublicCinema Enters Game Console Game Engine. A Higher Level Application and Game Framework. Powered by Godot Engine.
- bla-bla-mcpe
bla-bla-mcpe PublicThe Ultimate Fantasy World. Minecraft Bedrock PE world.
- Perkedel-Minecraft-Java-World
Perkedel-Minecraft-Java-World PublicPerkedel's Minecraft Java Edition World Save
mcfunction 1
- Where_Is_LoadingBar_Functionality
Where_Is_LoadingBar_Functionality PublicI managed to make Loading Bar Thread Sensation for Godot inspired from Brackeys IEnumerated Loading Bar Coroutine Sensation for Unity!!!
- Whole-KisekaeCharacters
Whole-KisekaeCharacters PublicWhole bunch of: Kisekae Character Export Codes from many different peoples including me!
- perkedel-astro Public
Perkedel NTLF+ASTR. Perkedel Technologies website on Netlify with Astro framework
Perkedel/perkedel-astro’s past year of commit activity - Kaded-fnf-mods Public Forked fromKadeArchive/Kade-Engine
a Friday Night Funkin mods. Freshly forked from Kade Engine which is a mod of the vanilla FNF. We have features, songs, weeks, stages, characters added here yay!
Perkedel/Kaded-fnf-mods’s past year of commit activity