NLnet Labs
We've verified that the organizationNLnetLabs controls the domain:
- Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Founded in 1999, NLnet Labs is an independent, non-profit foundationbased in the Netherlands. Our mission is to make the core of the Internet abetter, safer place by developing open-source software, through appliedresearch and by promoting and contributing to open standards.
We believe in sustainable open-source software. NLnet Labs is not owned by acommercial organisation. We operate independently with 16 full-timedevelopers and researchers on staff. We are funded by organisations who relyon our software and by those who think our work is important.
- Our software is, and always will be, open-source with a liberal license
- We will have at least two developers on each of our projects
- You will always get all features for free, we will never adopt a "freemium"model
- We will only develop functionality that serves the general benefit of theInternet community
- Because our software is used in mission critical environments, we offersupport services with a service-level agreement
- We guarantee continued maintenance of our software for at least two yearsin the unlikely event all funding would disappear
We cannot do any of our work without your support. If you depend on oursoftware, please consider purchasingprofessional supportand consultancy services with a service-levelagreement for one of ourproducts,sponsoring the development ofnew software or a feature for an existing product, or through adonation.
At NLnet Labs, we arecommitted to anopen mindset that encourages anyone to contribute to our software anddiscussions on Internet technology. To exchange ideas you can find us onMastodon and we host severalmailinglists. For DNS relatedtopics you can also find us on theDNS-OARC Mattermostserver and for discussionsrelated to RPKI we maintain aDiscordserver. You are likely to run into one of usin real-life at industry events such as IETF or ICANN meetings, or atoperator meetings such as RIPE or NANOG. We'd love to discuss ideas and hearyour feedback!