Crab is an open source network scanning tool for tracking, gathering information, and scanning a host.
Crab can complete multiple tasks such as port scanning, ip look ups, whois registar info, and OS detection(beta).
I am not responsible for whoever uses this program unlawfully.
This project is open source and anyone can use it/edit it.
To install crab you will need
Clone Crab onto your machine
git clone https://gitub.com/N0tA1dan/crab
Next cd into the directory
Then cd into the src directory
Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally run the file
To list all the commands type the command below in a terminal
Now the port scanning can get a bit tricky
python crab.py -sA [your target] [timeout in seconds]
We need the timeout in seconds because the program goes really fast and uses a lot of processing power.I personally use 0.5 second time out but it may vary from systems.If you have a weak computer, increase the timeout.