IJJS is an open-source, cross-platform, lightweight JavaScript runtime environment. It executes JavaScript code outside of a browser.this project is inspired by nodejs,txiki.js.IJJS is especially suitable for server development, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and so on.
- Jemalloc memory pool
- XMLHttpRequest & fetch
- Worker API
- Crypto API
- WebAssembly
- TCP KCP and UDP sockets
- TTY handles
- Unix sockets / named pipes
- Timers
- Signals
- File operations
- High-resolution time
- Miscellaneous utility functions
- Worker threads
- Child processes
- System Information
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- jemalloc
- libuv
- wasm3
- quickjs
- kcp
- zlog
- miniz
- curl
Windows: Visual Studio 2019 + clangLinux: Visual Studio 2019 + clang + WSLOSX/IOS: XCodeAndroid: Visual Studio 2019 + NDK
- GNU/Linux
- macOS
- Windows
- Android
- Other Unixes
- Install IJJS.
- Install the [IJJS Debug extension] in VS Code.
- Use command "ijjs-cli --init" to create project
- Switch to the debug viewlet and press the gear dropdown.
- Select the debug environment "ijjs.launch".
- Press the green 'play' button to start debugging.
- Use command "ijjs-cli --min" to minify all js files in dist folder
- Develop C module, you can refer to sigar module
- Develop JS module, you can refer to cron module