- Nanjing, Jiang su, China
- 01:44
(UTC +08:00) - https://mrslouzk.github.io
- https://space.bilibili.com/634651362
I'm a twenty years old student and studying communication in university, I will take the postgraduate examination this year, so I don't have any time to commit something.
我是一个21岁的学生,目前在大学中就读通信工程专业, 我今年会参加研究生考试,所以没时间更新东西。
I like programming as a hobby, I have learned languages such as C, C#, Python, Java(Actually, this won't be much). I am a boy likes watching anmie and many kind of beautiful girls, my favorite at present is the girl on my head portrait, her name is Cecilia, she is the main character in the comic "White Virgin and Black Priest", she is very cute.
我喜欢编程作为我的业余爱好,我学过诸如C、C#、Java、Python等编程语言(当然会的其实不是很多)。我也是一个喜欢看番剧的宅男,喜欢看各式各样的美少女, 目前我最喜欢的是我头像里的"塞西莉亚", 她是漫画作品《白圣女与黑牧师》的主角,非常的可爱。
I am a playful person, I am often lazy to do what I should do. When I don't be lazy, I will make some small software, write plugin for qq robot, or try my best to write turtorials to teach more people new knowledge.
我是一个比较贪玩的人,经常咕咕咕自己该做的事情,不咕的时候会做一些小软件, 编写QQ机器人插件, 或者尽我所能编写教程来教更多人新的知识。
I'm currently busy with study, I want to be an android development engineerer in the future, another goal is to make my own minecraft mod/plugin. I am interesting in linux development and C# development too.
我目前忙于学业, 未来想成为一个安卓开发工程师,另外一个目标是制作我自己的Minecraft模组/插件。我对linux开发和C#开发也感兴趣。
You can contact me on QQ mail:mrslouzk@qq.com, I am glad to acknowledge some new friends. You can also contact me bybilibili(a video website), send private messages to me. If you want to ask questions or do anything, you can add the following QQ group. Welcome to visit.
My English level may be a little poor, please forgive me.
Nonebot技术交流群&粉丝群: 768176998
碧蓝航线/碧蓝航线插件交流群: 757739422
- ACGN-Alliance/nonebot-plugin-azurlane-assistant-data
ACGN-Alliance/nonebot-plugin-azurlane-assistant-data Publicnonebot-plugin-azurlane插件的数据仓库
- ACGN-Alliance/BlueArchive-Starter-cli
ACGN-Alliance/BlueArchive-Starter-cli Public碧蓝档案初始号工具CLI版本(原BlueArchive-Starter项目)
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