We've verified that the organizationMIERUNE controls the domain:
- mierune.co.jp
- plateau-gis-converter
plateau-gis-converter PublicA proof-of-concept tool to convert PLATEAU's 3D city models (CityGML) of Japan into various geospatial formats, including 3D Tiles, MVT, and GeoPackage.
- svelte-maplibre-gl
svelte-maplibre-gl PublicSvelte 5 wrapper for 🗺 MapLibre GL JS — Build interactive web maps effortlessly with Svelte’s reactive and declarative power 🚀
- QuickDEM4JP
QuickDEM4JP PublicQGIS plugin to convert DEM ("xml" or "folder containing .xml" or ".zip containing .xml") to GeoTiff and Terrain RGB (Tiff).
- qgis-japan-mesh
qgis-japan-mesh PublicQGIS plugin for Japanese grid squares — 日本の「標準地域メッシュ」と「国土基本図図郭」をQGIS上で生成できます。国勢調査や経済センサス等の「地域メッシュ統計」の読み込みもできます。
Python 10
- plateau-gis-converter Public
A proof-of-concept tool to convert PLATEAU's 3D city models (CityGML) of Japan into various geospatial formats, including 3D Tiles, MVT, and GeoPackage.
MIERUNE/plateau-gis-converter’s past year of commit activity - Earthquake-simulation-tools Public Forked fromProject-PLATEAU/Earthquake-simulation-tools
MIERUNE/Earthquake-simulation-tools’s past year of commit activity - flatgeom-rs Public
Geospatial geometry primitives employing flat data structures instead of jagged arrays
MIERUNE/flatgeom-rs’s past year of commit activity - svelte-maplibre-gl Public
Svelte 5 wrapper for 🗺 MapLibre GL JS — Build interactive web maps effortlessly with Svelte’s reactive and declarative power 🚀
MIERUNE/svelte-maplibre-gl’s past year of commit activity - qgis-mojxml-plugin Public
A QGIS Plugin for loading Japanese “MOJ Map XML” (land registration polygon data) as vector layers. — QGISで法務省登記所備付地図データ(地図XML)の変換や読み込みを行うプラグイン
MIERUNE/qgis-mojxml-plugin’s past year of commit activity - QuickDEM4JP Public
QGIS plugin to convert DEM ("xml" or "folder containing .xml" or ".zip containing .xml") to GeoTiff and Terrain RGB (Tiff).
MIERUNE/QuickDEM4JP’s past year of commit activity