An enthusiastic leader, engineer, programmer and data scientist, I am passionate about exploring the world of coding, web development, data science, embedded systems programming. With a penchant for problem solving, I am always eager to dive deep into the details of any project I am working on. My experience with electronics has been invaluable in helping me to develop innovative solutions. I have a strong work ethic and always strive to exceed expectations. As a team player, I am a great asset to any group. My enthusiasm for coding and data science is boundless, and I am always looking for new ways to expand my knowledge.
- 📫 How to reach
- 🔭 Repositories navigation:
- PROJ are project related, example
- REF are all references (books, concepts, frameworks etc.)
- SRC are for source code
- PROJ are project related, example
- ⚡ Skills Include, but not limited to:
- Data Science, Web Development, Machine learning, Analytics, statistical analysis, ITIL, Business Continuity, Metrics in ITSM
- Python, JavaScript, C++ (Taylored for embedded tecchnology), ExpressJs, NodeJs, MongoDB, ReactJs, MongooseJs, Docker, Kubernetes, SQL, Restfu API, Git, HTML, CSS, Flask, Django
- Embedded technology, electrical engineering,Project Management, Agile, Scrum, QA, QC, R&D, Lean 6 Sigma, Keize, product design, poduction controll, management
- 🌱 I’m planning on learning: TensorFlow, Angular, NextJs, VueJs, refresh on Django and Flask, and many other cool things
- 💡Some repositories and projects to view:
- A personal website
- My personal web site
- Natours Full Stack
- Fast React Pizza app
- Some data science projects groupped in a signle repository
- Responsive design
- Vanilla Java Script based application focusing on OOP and inheritance
- Python based application to "simultaneously" search through multiple PDF files
- Very basic Flask game app built with my child
- Mapty, vanilla Java Script based application with the focus on inheritance
- Advanced DOM manipulation
- Bankist, Vanilla Java Script based application
- Java Script Simon says game
- Responsive design
- Pig game
- MERN stack Movie data base app
- Simple expressJs to do list
- A toy, electronics and microcontrollers
- Notification system, electronics and microcontrollers
- Automation, custom built electronics, microcontrollers
- Automation, notification system, electronics and microcontrollers
- Very basic student management app, built to explore PyQt6
- Chat GPT interface capable of accepting very large prompt
- Git commands
- proj-production-control-demo-DataScience
proj-production-control-demo-DataScience PublicSmall portion of programs I use to facilitate production control and research.
- proj-embedded-saw-bumping
proj-embedded-saw-bumping PublicSolenoid valve control, automation project, analog equipment upgrade
- proj-web-express-api-natours
proj-web-express-api-natours PublicJavaScript
- proj-web-js-forkify
proj-web-js-forkify PublicJavaScript
- proj-web-Omnifood
proj-web-Omnifood PublicResponsive design static web site built with CSS and HTML
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