Add this repo as a submodule in your app:
$ git submodule add
Make sure you add this folder to your .eleventyignore file, otherwise it might be included in your _site build.
You can now import files from kce-common in yourcss/main.scss
@import"../kce-common/css/_settings","<your custom settings>","../kce-common/css/_common";
Note that the inclusion of_common.scss
automatically includes bootstrap as well. So the complete load order is this:
- Common KCE scss settings (variables)
- Custom overrides of scss variables
- Shared KCE components, configured by variables
- Bootstrap, configured by variables
Due to 11ty / liquid restrictions, you can not include files from outside the _includes folder in your templates. Solve this by symlining the section folder in this repo in your _includes folder:
$cd _includes$ ln -s ../kce-common/sections