kmake is a meta-build-tool for C/C++ projects similar in its functionality topremake and cmake.It is an extended fork of Node.js so it provides the speed of V8 and all of theNode.js-API to kmake-build-scripts.
For when you are only changing TypeScript and/or JavaScript files without also doing changes to the native side, clone this repo and with your normal kmake binary do:
kmake --dev absolute/path/to/kmake_repo
For when you are changing TypeScript and/or JavaScript files to create a node build that pulls them in at runtime, build with the following command:
Windows:vcbuild.bat openssl-no-asm without-intl node-builtin-modules-path %cd%
*nix based:./configure --openssl-no-asm --without-intl --node-builtin-modules-path $(pwd)