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A curated list of awesome Pyramid apps, projects and resources. Inspired by andbased onawesome-python.

Admin interface

Packages that extend the Admin interface, adding or improving features.

  • pyramid_formalchemy -provides a CRUD interface for pyramid based on FormAlchemy.
  • pyramid_sacrud - Pyramid CRUD interface.Provides an administration web interface for Pyramid.Unlike classic CRUD, pyramid_sacrud allows overrides and flexibility tocustomize your interface, similar to django.contrib.admin but uses adifferent backend to provide resources.New Architecturebuilt on the resources and mechanism traversal, allows to use it in various cases.
  • Websauna - a full stack application framework for Pyramid

Asset Management

Packages that help manage the static assets of a project.


  • aiopyramid - Run pyramid usingasyncio.
  • gevent-socketio -gevent-socketio is a Python implementation of the Socket.IO protocol,developed originally for Node.js by LearnBoost and then ported to otherlanguages.
  • Stargate - Stargate is a package foradding WebSockets support to pyramid applications using the excellenteventlet library for long running connections.
  • channelstream - websocket communication server (gevent).


Packages that improve or extend the authentication methods of Pyramid.

  • pyramid_ldap - an LDAPauthentication policy for Pyramid.
  • pyramid_ldap3 - Provides LDAP authenticationservices for your Pyramid application based on the ldap3 package.
  • pyramid_who - Authentication policyfor pyramid using repoze.who 2.0 API.
  • velruse - Simplifying third-partyauthentication for web applications. it supports most of authproviders.
  • pyramid_simpleauth - sessionbased authentication and role based security for Pyramid application
  • Python Social Auth - Socialauthentication/registration mechanism with support for a large number ofproviders.
  • Authomatic - Simple yet powerfulauthorization / authentication client library for Python web applications.
  • apex - Toolkit for Pyramid, a Pylons Project,to add Authentication and Authorization using Velruse (OAuth) and/or a localdatabase, CSRF, ReCaptcha, Sessions, Flash messages and I18N.
  • pyramid_authsanity -That will make it simpler to have a secure authentication policy with an easyto use backend.
  • pyramid_jwt - This packageimplements an authentication policy for Pyramid that usingJSON Web Tokens.This standard (RFC 7519) is often used to secure backens APIs. TheexcellentPyJWT library is used for the JWT encoding / decoding logic.
  • pyramid_ipauth -Pyramid authentication policy based on remote ip address.


Packages related to authorization infrastructure and permissions.

  • ziggurat_foundations -Framework agnostic set of sqlalchemy classes that make building applicationsthat require permissions an easy task.
  • pyramid_multiauth -An authentication policy for Pyramid that proxies to a stack of otherauthentication policies.
  • pyramid_authstack - Usemultiple authentication policies with Pyramid.
  • horus - User registration and login systemfor the Pyramid Web Framework.
  • pyramid_yosai - Pyramid integration with security Framework for Python applications featuring Authorization (rbac permissions and roles), Authentication (2fa totp), Session Management and an extensive Audit Trail

Caching & Session

Packages that help with caching and session.


Packages that help hunt down bugs.


Packages that help manage email sending.


Packages that extend the functionality of forms or add new types of forms.

  • deform - is a Python HTML form generationlibrary.
  • colander - Aserialization/deserialization/validation library for strings, mappings andlists.
  • WTForms - is a flexible formsvalidation and rendering library for python web development.
  • ColanderAlchemy -helps you to auto-generate Colander schemas that are based on SQLAlchemymapped classes.
  • marshmallow - Alightweight library for converting complex objects to and from simple Pythondatatypes (i.e. (de)serialization and validation).


  • pyramid_elfinder - This isconector for elfinder file manager, written for pyramid framework.
  • pyramid_storage - This is a package for handling file uploads in your Pyramid framework application.


Packages for developing RESTful APIs.

  • cornice - provides helpers tobuild & document REST-ish Web Services with Pyramid, with decent defaultbehaviors. It takes care of following the HTTP specification in an automatedway where possible.
  • rest_toolkit - is a Python packagewhich provides a very convenient way to build REST servers. It is build ontop of Pyramid, but you do not need to know much about Pyramid to userest_toolkit.
  • pyramid_royal - Royal is apyramid extension which eases writing RESTful web applications.
  • cliquet - Cliquet is a toolkitto ease the implementation of HTTP microservices, such as data-driven RESTAPIs.
  • webargs - A friendly library for parsingHTTP request arguments, with built-in support for popular web frameworks.
  • ramses - Generate a RESTful API usingRAML. It uses Nefertari which provides ElasticSearch-powered views.
  • nefertari - Nefertari is a RESTAPI framework sitting on top of Pyramid and ElasticSearch.
  • pyramid_swagger - Convenienttools for using Swagger to define and validate your interfaces in a Pyramid webapp. (Swagger 2.0 document)
  • pyramid-openapi3 - Validate Pyramid views against an OpenAPI 3.0 document. Similar to pyramid_swagger but for OpenAPI 3.0.
  • pyramid_jsonapi - Automaticallycreate aJSON API standard API from a database using thesqlAlchemy ORM and pyramid framework.
  • pyramid_apispec - Create an OpenAPIspecification file using apispec and Marshmallow schemas.


Packages that provide search capabilities to projects.

  • hypatia - A Python indexing andsearching system.


Packages that improve the security of a project.



Packages that help manage the configurability of projects.

  • pyramid_zcml - Zope ConfigurationMarkup Language configuration support for Pyramid.
  • pyramid_services - defines apattern and helper methods for accessing a pluggable service layer fromwithin your Pyramid apps.
  • hupper - A process monitor/reloader for developersthat can watch files for changes and restart the process.


Packages that extend the functionality of the existing storage backend orprovide new storage backends.

  • pyramid_tm - Centralized transactionmanagement for Pyramid applications (without middleware).
  • zope.sqlalchemy -Integration of SQLAlchemy with transaction management.
  • pyramid_sqlalchemy -provides some basic glue to facilitate using SQLAlchemy with Pyramid.
  • pyramid_zodbconn - ZODBDatabase connection management for Pyramid.
  • pyramid_mongoengine -pyramid-mongoengine package based on flask-mongoengine
  • pyramid_mongodb -Basic Pyramid Scaffold to easily use MongoDB for persistence with the Pyramid Web framework
  • pyramid-excel - pyramid-excel is based onpyexcel and makes it easy to consume/produce information stored in excel files over HTTP protocol as well as on file system. This library can turn the excel data into a list of lists, a list of records(dictionaries), dictionaries of lists. And vice versa. Hence it lets you focus on data in Pyramid based web development, instead of file formats.

Task Queue

Packages that make working with task/background queues easier.

  • pyramid_celery - Pyramidconfiguration with celery integration. Allows you to use pyramid .ini filesto configure celery and have your pyramid configuration inside celery tasks.
  • pyramid_rq - Support using the rqqueueing system with pyramid. The easiest way to monitor and useRQ in your Pyramid projects.



Packages that help test code or generate test data.

  • webtest - Wraps any WSGI application andmakes it easy to send test requests to that application, without starting upan HTTP server.


Packages help with the task of translating projects.

  • lingua - Lingua is a package with toolsto extract translatable texts from your code, and to check existingtranslations. It replaces the use of the xgettext command from gettext, orpybabel from Babel.
  • pyramid_i18n_helper - helper to create new smgid and translate msgid to local langs .

Web frontend integration

  • PyramidVue - Pyramid and VueJs (JavaScript) template with Hot-Module-Replacement starter template.


Packages that do process, procedure and/or business tasks management.


  • pyramid_layout - Pyramid add-onfor managing UI layouts.
  • pyramid_skins - This packageprovides a simple framework to integrate code with templates and resources.
  • waitress - Waitress is meant to be aproduction-quality pure-Python WSGI server with very acceptable performance.It has no dependencies except ones which live in the Python standard library.
  • pyramid_handlers - analogue ofPylons-style “controllers” for Pyramid.
  • pyramid_rpc - RPC service add-on forPyramid, supports XML-RPC in a more extensible manner than pyramid_xmlrpcwith support for JSON-RPC and AMF.
  • pyramid_autodoc - Sphinxextension for documenting your Pyramid APIs.
  • pyramid_pages - Provides acollections of tree pages to your Pyramid application. This is very similarto django.contrib.flatpages but with a tree structure and traversal algorithmin URL dispatch.
  • paginate - Python pagination module.
  • pyramid_tablib - tablib renderer(xlsx, xls, csv) for pyramid
  • tomb_routes - Simple utility libraryaround pyramid routing
  • pyramid_extdirect - This pyramid plugin provides a router for the ExtDirect Sencha API included in ExtJS. ExtDirect allows to run server-side callbacks directly through JavaScript without the extra AJAX boilerplate.
  • pyramid_retry - pyramid_retry is an execution policy for Pyramid that wraps requests and can retry them a configurable number of times under certain "retryable" error conditions before indicating a failure to the client.


Outstanding Pyramid projects.


  • Ringo - Ringo is a Python based high levelweb application framework build on top of Pyramid. The framework can be usedto build form based management or administration software.
  • - A comprehensive web application stub on top of Pyramid.


  • nive_cms - Nive is professional out thebox content management system for mobile and desktop websites based on pythonand the webframework pyramid. Please refer to the website fordetailed information.
  • substanced - An application serverbuilt upon the Pyramid web framework. It provides a user interface formanaging content as well as libraries and utilities which make it easy tocreate applications.
  • Kotti - A user-friendly, light-weight andextensible web content management system. Based on Pyramid and SQLAlchemy.
  • KARL - A moderately-sizedapplication (roughly 80K lines of Python code) built on top of Pyramid. It isan open source websystem for collaboration, organizational intranets, and knowledge management.It provides facilities for wikis, calendars, manuals, searching, tagging,commenting, and file uploads. See the KARL site for download and installationdetails.


  • Pylons - official cookiecutter templates

  • Pyramid Runner - A minimal Pyramidscaffold that aims to provide a starter template to build small to large web services.

    • Traversal based application
    • JSON only response
    • JWT authentication policy
    • Alembic for database revisions
    • Some simple modifications to base tests, views and models base to reduce typing



  • cluegun - A simple pastebin applicationbased on Rocky Burt’s ClueBin. It demonstrates form processing, security, andthe use of ZODB within a Pyramid application.
  • shootout - An example “ideacompetition” application by Carlos de la Guardia and Lukasz Fidosz. Itdemonstrates URL dispatch, simple authentication, integration with SQLAlchemyand pyramid_simpleform.
  • virginia - A very simple dynamicfile rendering application. It is willing to render structured textdocuments, HTML documents, and images from a filesystem directory. It’s alsoa good example of traversal. An earlier version of this application runs website.
  • Akhet - APyramid library and demo application with a Pylons-like feel. Its most knownfor its former application scaffold, which helped users transition fromPylons and those preferring a more Pylons-like API. The scaffold has beenretired but the demo plays a similar role.
  • Khufu Project - Khufu is an applicationscaffolding for Pyramid that provides an environment to work with Jinja2 andSQLAlchemy.
  • Ptah - Ptah is a fast, fun, opensource high-level Python web development environment.
  • warehouse - Warehouse is a nextgeneration Python Package Repository designed to replace the legacy code basethat currently powers PyPI.
  • travelcrm - TravelCRM is effective free and open source application for the automation of customer relationships for travel agencies at all levels, from small to large networks.
  • RhodeCode - enterprise source code management platform. It applies unified user control, permissions, code reviews, and tool integration across Mercurial, Git, and Subversion repositories. Large and growing software teams all over the world use RhodeCode to collaborate in a secure, behind-the-firewall environment.

Project Management

  • AppEnlight - Performance, exception, and uptime monitoring for the Web


Where to discover new Pyramid apps and projects.


  • Python Web Frameworks - Dive into details on the topsix Python frameworks—Django, Flask, Tornado, Bottle, Pyramid, and CherryPy.


  • Try Pyramid - The Start Small, Finish Big,Stay Finished Framework. Official website.



  • List of videos from the official site

  • Online Video Courses at Talk Python Training

  • Web Applications with Python and the PyramidFramework -In this Web Applications with Python and the Pyramid Framework trainingcourse, expert author Paul Everitt will teach you about the features neededfor Python web development, as well as Pyramid's unique features. Thiscourse is designed for users that already have a basic knowledge of Python.

    You will start by learning about single file web apps, templating, andmultiple routes and views. From there, Paul will teach you about MyAppPython package, views and routes, and templating and static assets. Thisvideo tutorial also covers forms, databases, and sessions, authenticationand authorization, and JSON. Finally, you will learn about extensibility,including custom configuration settings, extending and overriding, andcustom view predicates.

    Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will havegained a basic understanding of the features needed for Python webdevelopment and the features unique to Pyramid.

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A curated list of awesome Pyramid apps, projects and resources.






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