This project is created as an ecosystem to help other Embedded projects to save some time for developing Bootloaders and applications for Flashing.
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IMBootloader is a bootloader with different features written inC following theMISRA C 2012 guidelines:
- acceptssigned Firmware
- it issecure. It uses encrypted communication for firmware and bootloader update
- it can copy and run Firmware directly from the RAM
- it isself updatable
- enters in bootloader over FLASH segment
- enters in bootloader over RAM segment
- enters in bootloader with button
- CRC32 protected communication with IMFlasher
- capable of enablingread protection (RDP)
- capable of disabling read protection (RDP)
- generates 32 bytes longunique board id
- informs IMFlasher withGIT branch/hash/tag info
- carrymanufacturer id for integration with a system
- carryproduct type data for integration with a system
- running Firmware from external FLASH over QSPI (paid version)
IMFlasher is a Qt application for flashing firmware or a new bootloader by using a PC. \
- multiplatform application
- auto detect IMBootloder over USB
- download files server
IMLedBlink is a simple example that serves as a showcase of project capabilities.
IMUtility A Safety-Critical Utility Code written in C (Queue, CRC, data serialization/deserialization, base64...)
- IMBootloader
IMBootloader PublicSafety-Critical bootloader, written by following MISRA guidelines
Showing 7 of 7 repositories
- DockerContainers Public
IMProject/DockerContainers’s past year of commit activity