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A GitHub action for application version bump, generation, reading and format in release pipelines


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A GitHub action for reading, bumping, generating, formatting applications versions in release pipelines.Outputs four environment / output variables:

  • 'env.CURRENT_VERSION' - a current, extracted version of application without any changes
  • 'env.RELEASE_VERSION' - a generated release version withSNAPSHOT suffix removed by default
  • 'env.NEXT_VERSION' - a new version supposed to put into version source file instead of CURRENT_VERSION
  • 'env.NEXT_RELEASE_VERSION' - the same new version withSNAPSHOT suffix removed by default

Also, there are 5 postfixes for environment variables listed above:

  • '_MAJOR'
  • '_MINOR'
  • '_PATCH'

They contain corresponding version fragments, so for release version5.0.3 environment / output variableRELEASE_VERSION_PATCH will contain3.

The action uses so-called "Semantic version" system, please check out thespecification first to avoid misunderstanding and misuses.

By default, the action increments prerelease version. Basically it picks a number in a substring starting withalpha|beta|rc + a number. It also possible to notate all caps or starting with a capital letter (ALPHA, alpha and Alphaare OK).


  • rc1 → rc2
  • TESTNG6-Alpha1 → Alpha2

Here are some prerelease fragments and a regex which is used to extract the prerelease number:

If there is no regex match in prerelease section the patch version fragment will be incremented. Youcan force action increment a specific version fragment you like by configuringNext version parameters.If any of such parameters was specified the default behavior will be ignored.


To use the action introduce it into your job steps of a github actions workflow.

Example 1: Java application built with gradle

A pretty simple pipeline which launches a release task. To update development version back in a release branch Gradlerelease plugin needs at least one parameter specified (release.newVersion). This pipeline provides gradle bothnecessary versions: which to release and which to commit back into the release branch.

name:Releaseon:push:branches:      -'master'jobs:build:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps:      -name:Checkout repositoryuses:actions/checkout@v3      -name:Set up JDK 1.8uses:actions/setup-java@v3with:distribution:'temurin'java-version:'8'      -name:Generate versionsuses:HardNorth/github-version-generate@v1.4.0with:version-source:fileversion-file:gradle.propertiesversion-file-extraction-pattern:'(?<=version=).+'      -name:Grant execute permission for gradlewrun:chmod +x gradlew      -name:Release with Gradleid:releaserun:|          ./gradlew release -Prelease.useAutomaticVersion=true \          -Prelease.releaseVersion=${{ env.RELEASE_VERSION }} \          -Prelease.newVersion=${{ env.NEXT_VERSION }}

Example 2: A specific version fragment incrementation

The pipeline demonstrates how you can control which version fragment to increment by a file with a specific keyword:

name:releaseon:push:branches:      -masterenv:VERSION_FILE_NAME:'VERSION'VERSION_BUMP_FILE:'version_fragment'jobs:calculate-version:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps:      -name:Checkout repositoryuses:actions/checkout@v3      -name:Get version fragment to bumpid:getVersionFragmentrun:|          read -r versionFragment < ${{ env.VERSION_BUMP_FILE }}          echo "'$versionFragment' version will be incremented"          echo "::set-env name=VERSION_FRAGMENT::${versionFragment}"      -name:Generate versionsuses:HardNorth/github-version-generate@v1.4.0with:version-source:fileversion-file:${{ env.VERSION_FILE_NAME }}next-version-increment-patch:${{ contains(env.VERSION_FRAGMENT, 'patch') }}next-version-increment-minor:${{ contains(env.VERSION_FRAGMENT, 'minor') }}next-version-increment-major:${{ contains(env.VERSION_FRAGMENT, 'major') }}

If the content of theversion_fragment file will be "minor" then minor version will be incremented respectively.


Version sources

ParameterTypeDefault valueDescription
version-sourceenum{file, variable}variableA source of a CURRENT_VERSION
versionstringA version variable for version source
version-filestringA path to a file which holds a version
version-file-extraction-patternstring.+A RegEx to extract version from a version-source file. Should either match a full version, or return it as the first group. E.G:
  • (?<=version=).+ - pattern match, e.g: 'version=5.0.3-SNAPSHOT' will extract matched string '5.0.3-SNAPSHOT'
  • "version":\s*"([^"]+)" - group match, will extract the first group. e.g: '"version": "1.0.0",' to '1.0.0'
In case if there are several groups in a pattern the first group will be extracted.

Release version

ParameterTypeDefault valueDescription
release-version-cut-snapshotbooleantrueRemove "SNAPSHOT" suffix from source version
release-version-cut-build-metadatabooleantrueRemove build metadata suffix from source version
release-version-cut-prereleasebooleanfalseRemove prerelease part from source version
release-version-generate-build-metadatabooleanfalsePut build metadata (release date, commit sha, etc.) into result RELEASE_VERSION
release-version-build-metadata-patternstringbuild.{date}.{hash}Format pattern for build metadata. EG:build.{date[YYYY-MM-dd]}.{hash[0, 6]}. It is also possible not to customize variable outputs omitting square braces ([]) or even not to use any variables. Supported variables:
  • date[date_format]: a current date in UTC or time set in 'release-version-build-metadata-datetime' variable. Supports formatting included in square braces ([]). The date format will be applied by "Moment.js". Default format is['YYYY-MM-DD'].
  • hash[begin_index_inclusive, end_index_exclusive]: a commit hash, which triggered this build. You can shorten the hash by specifying begin and end characters indexes included in square braces ([]), separated by a comma. Default begin, end values are:[0, 8].
release-version-build-metadata-datetimestringA time stamp in ISO format to put into a build metadata string, by default the action uses current time in UTC timezone

Next version

ParameterTypeDefault valueDescription
next-version-increment-majorbooleanfalseIncrement major version in result NEXT_VERSION, resets all other versions to "0" and prerelease to "1" if found. E.G.:5.0.3-BETA-36.0.0-BETA-1
next-version-increment-minorbooleanfalseIncrement minor version in result NEXT_VERSION, resets patch to "0" and prerelease to "1" if found. E.G.:5.0.3-BETA-35.1.0-BETA-1
next-version-increment-patchbooleanfalseIncrement patch version in result NEXT_VERSION, resets prerelease to "1" if found. E.G.:5.0.3-BETA-35.0.4-BETA-1
next-version-increment-prereleasebooleanfalseIncrement prerelease version in result NEXT_VERSION. E.G.:5.0.3-BETA-35.0.3-BETA-4
next-version-cut-prereleasebooleanfalseRemove prerelease part from source version. In case this parameter is set the action increments patch version by default.
next-version-cut-build-metadatabooleantrueRemove build metadata suffix from source version
next-version-put-build-metadatabooleanfalsePut build metadata (release date, commit sha, etc.) into result NEXT_VERSION. Will be the same as for RELEASE_VERSION'

Data extract

Built-in data extraction mechanism.



There are several use cases depending on RegEx format and flags:

  • RegEx Match only - As on example, above. Variable name in 'data-extract-name' parameter will be used 'as is',variable value will be set on matched text. Extraction will fail if 'data-extract-name' is not set.
  • One group - Variable name in 'data-extract-name' parameter will be used 'as is', variable value will be set ongroup value. Extraction will fail if 'data-extract-name' is not set.
  • Two or more groups - If 'data-extract-name' value is set then the first group will be used as value, and othergroups will be ignored, if it's not set, then the first group will used as variable name and the second groupwill be used as value.
  • Multiple match (multiple RegEx, 'g' flag in RegEx is set, etc) - If 'data-extract-name' value is set the actionwill extract all RegEx matches and export variables with underscore and variable index as suffix, except thefirst one.E.G.: first_variable -> FIRST_VARIABLE, FIRST_VARIABLE_1, etc; If 'data-extract-name' value is not set thentwo groups in every RegEx is a requirement, the first group will used as variable name and the second group willbe used as value. If multiple files have the same variable names, output values will be overwritten with thelatter matches.

Variable name convert rules:

  • Spaces and symbols '-', even multiple in a row, will be converted to single symbol '_';
  • Other special characters except digits and letters will be cut off;
  • The variable name will be converted to upper case.
ParameterTypeDefault valueDescription
data-extractbooleanfalseEnable data extraction mechanism
data-extract-namestringnullVariable name to which extracted data will be placed, standard variable name conversion rules are also applied to this field. If not set it will be extracted from RegEx groups. See usage use cases above.
data-extract-pathsstringnullSemicolon (";") separated path list of files which to use to extract data
data-extract-patternsstringnullSemicolon (";") separated RegEx pattern list wrapped with "/" symbols, with flags

Real-life examples


Apache License Version 2.0 -repo link.


The action was created byVadzim HushchanskouatHardNorth/github-version-generate

