% [POLYTECH APP3] Development project with C langage% October 2017 - December 2017% Detcheberry Valentin & Vuillemin Anthony
Imagetools is a school project made atPolytech Paris Sud . It is develop withC langage .
This project can manipulateBMP andPGM pictures.
Read a picture Save a picture Set filtersReversed Horizontal rotation Vertical rotation Linear filteringFIR 1D horizontal FIR 1D vertical FIR 2D with matrix convolutionFIR 2D border x FIR 2D border y Sobel filter Get histogramWith only intensity With all component (only for BMP) Save histogram Set histogram equalisation Imagetools have 3 interfaces :
Console interface Commande line interface Graphical interface To compile the whole project :make
If you only want one interface :
Console interface :make ci
Command line interface :make cli
Graphical interface :make gui
Launch :./imagetools-ci.out
CLI : Command line interface Launch./imagetools-cli.out
Open an image (-p for pgm and-b for bmp)Set a filter--gray --reversed --h-rotate --v-rotate --fir1d-h (+ int_depth) --fir1d-v (+ int_depth) --fir2d-x --fir2d-y --sobel --equalize-hist Get histogram (--histogram + r,g,b,i or c + path) Save image (-s path) Each command will be apply in the order which they are passed
We getlena.ascii.pgm , and we set the reversed filter, we save the intensity histogram and save the new picture asreversed/lena.ascii.pgm
./imagetools -p img/lena.ascii.pgm --reversed --histogram i histogram/lena.ascii.pgm -s reversed/lena.ascii.pgm
GUI : Graphical interface Launch./imagetools-gui.out