- Fortaleza, Brazil
I have experience with building:
Lately I've been doing research for my master's degree & learning Flutter to build Apps!
I've also been playing with ML, Python, Mojo, and (for fun).
If you have some interesting project that you think I can help with, feel free to reach me through:
- AcademyIFCE/swift-book
AcademyIFCE/swift-book PublicForked fromswiftlang/swift-book
The Swift Programming Language book translation to Portuguese
- FileKeeper
FileKeeper Public🗂️ Your easy-to-use solution for persisting data in files when building CLI tools with Swift.
Swift 6
- PersonalLogs
PersonalLogs Public📗🔐 Use this App to write Notes and lock them with a password. Made for iOS using Swift, View Code, Keychain and FileManager. Design Patterns: MVC + Repository.
Swift 12
- VisionCoreMLExample
VisionCoreMLExample Public🤖📱 Proof of Concept App using multiple models for Image Classification and Object Detection in a single project. Made with Vision + CoreML.
- AcademyIFCE/KnightStateMachine
AcademyIFCE/KnightStateMachine Public⚔️👾 GameplayKit PoC of a state machine (with Idle/Walk/Jump/Attack states) for a knight character. Using Entity-Component.
Swift 7
- TableViewExample
TableViewExample PublicDynamic UITableView example using custom cells implemented with Xibs and View Code
Swift 4
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