- Castelló de la Plana, Spain
- https://blosc.org
- @FrancescAlted
- @FrancescAlted@masto.social
- @Blosc2
- @Blosc2@fosstodon.org
I am a curious person who studied Physics (BSc) and Applied Maths (MSc). Through the years, I developed a passion for handling large datasets and using compression to enable their analysis using regular hardware that is accessible to everyone.
I am the CEO ofironArray SLU and also leading theBlosc Development Team, and currently interested in determining, ahead of time, whichcombinations of codecs and filters can provide a personalized compression experience. This way, users can choose whether they prefer a higher compression ratio, faster compression speed, or a balance between both. I am also very busy in providing a way for sharing Blosc2 datasets in the network in an easy and effective way viaCaterva2 andCat2Cloud, a software as a service that ironArray is proudly providing.
As an Open Source believer, I started thePyTables project more than 20 years ago. Currently, and after 25 years in this business, I started several other useful open source projects like Blosc, Caterva2 andBtune; those efforts won me two prizes that mean a lot to me:
You can know more on what I am working on by reading mylatest blogs.
Blosc Development Team: May 2014 - Today
BDFL. Working on designing and coding libraries for efficiently compressing large datasets. Our main projects are:
In particular, C-Blosc2 and Python-Blosc2 implement very powerful yet flexible multidimensional containers for large datasets (NDim and NDArray).
ironArray SL: October 2021 - Today
CEO. Developing libraries for overcoming the limits imposed by technology when computing with multidimensional arrays, specially where the memory bandwidth becomes a bottleneck. Expert in compression applied to storage and computation.
Our main projects are:
Our main goal is to facilitate the use of Blosc technologies, making sure that data compression is fast and efficient in both in local machines or in the network.
University of Oslo: Consultant --- September 2016 - September 2018
Collaborating on performing large scale simulations of air pollutants viaFLEXPART.
The HDF Group: Consultant -- August 2016 - December 2018
Working on support for filters for HDF5 and otherprojects.
University of Oslo: Data Consultant --- September 2014 - January 2016
Collaborating in the orchestration codebase forSHyFT, an OpenSource hydrological toolbox
UberResearch GmbH: Software Engineer --- September 2014 - April 2015
Python programming, profile and optimization of applications, database optimizations.
Continuum Analytics: Senior Software Engineer --- January 2012 - May 2014
Designing and coding libraries to cope with extremely large datasets (Blaze), specially in the I/O to memory and disk backends. Also involved in providing consulting services about handling big data for our customers.
BMAT: Software Engineer ---February 2011 - December 2011
Universitat Jaume I:: Assistant professor (Physics) --- February 2010 - September 2011
PyTables: Software developer & consultant --- May 2008 - June 2011
Cárabos Cooperativa Valenciana: Executive Director --- April 2005 - April 2008
Universitat Jaume I:: Assistant professor (Physics) --- March 2003 - September 2005
PyTables: Software developer --- Aug 2002 - March 2005
System architectMay 2000 - May 2001
Technical directorJan 1999 - May 2000
Servicom (Valencia branch office): Technical director --- Aug 1996 - Jan 1999
Universitat Jaume I: Scientific computing analyst --- Sep 1991 - Jul 1996
IFIC - Institut de Física Corpuscular (Universitat de València - CSIC)
System administrator assistant for the computer center --- Jan 1991 - Jul 1991
Research fellowship holder --- Jan 1989 - Dec 1990
PhD student in Mathematical Methods --- 1996 - 2002Thesis name "Application of the simplectic integrators to the study of Hamiltonian systems". Thesis advisor: Prof. F. Casas. Unconcluded.
Master of Science in Mathematical Methods --- Finished in May 2002This is an official recognition for the PhD courses followed and research trajectory.
PhD Student at IFIC ("Institut de Física Corpuscular") in València --- Jan 1989 - Dec 1990
Spent one year and half at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) working in the ToF (DELPHI experience) detector data acquisition system. Read "Tesi de Llicenciatura" named "The Data Acquisition System of the Time of Flight (ToF) Detector of DELPHI" in June 1990.
Master of Science in “Electronics and Computer Sciences” and “Theoretical Physics” --- 1982 - 1988
Concluded both Masters in Physics studies.
Using Blosc2 NDim As A Fast Explorer Of The Milky Way (Or Any Other NDim Dataset). Proceedings of the 22nd Python in Science Conference, 2023. DOI 10.25080/gerudo-f2bc6f59-000.
Why Modern CPUs Are Starving and What Can Be Done about It. Computing in Science & Engineering, March/April, 2010.
Processing and Analyzing Extremely Large Amounts of Data (paper version). Presented at the PyCon 2003 conference, held in Washington DC, from 26th to 28th of March, 2003.
More than 20 articles in several scientific reviews, like “Physics Letters B”, “Nuclear Physics”, “Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods” and “Zeit. fur Physik”. Years 1990 and 1991.
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