Fiaz Technologies

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for the following repository or project for more details.
Thank you for contributing! Your involvement is key to shaping the future of innovative advancements. 🌟 Explore and collaborate with us on our awesome projects! 🚀
- opencss Public Forked frommuhammad-fiaz/opencss
OpenCSS is a lightweight and versatile CSS utility library designed to streamline your web development process. With OpenCSS, you can easily manage and apply styles to your HTML elements, helping you create modern and responsive web interfaces.
FiazTechnologies/opencss’s past year of commit activity - logly Public Forked frommuhammad-fiaz/logly
Logly is a Ready to Go! Python package designed to simplify and enhance the logging process. With Logly, you can log dynamically and rapidly, providing a seamless experience for developers. It comes with customization options, making it easy to tailor your logs according to specific needs.
FiazTechnologies/logly’s past year of commit activity - RunX Public Forked frommuhammad-fiaz/RunX
RunX is a lightweight and efficient Rust web framework designed for rapid development of web applications. With RunX, you can quickly build robust and scalable web services with minimal code.
FiazTechnologies/RunX’s past year of commit activity - checkversions Public Forked frommuhammad-fiaz/checkversions
CheckVersions is a powerful and intuitive version comparison tool designed to simplify the process of discerning the latest and older versions in software development.
FiazTechnologies/checkversions’s past year of commit activity - Setups-Python Public Forked frommuhammad-fiaz/Setups-Python
Setups: Dynamically generate for Python projects.
FiazTechnologies/Setups-Python’s past year of commit activity - keepsafe Public Forked frommuhammad-fiaz/keepsafe
KeepSafe: A secure and user-friendly solution for storing and distributing sensitive information such as keys and passwords in your projects.
FiazTechnologies/keepsafe’s past year of commit activity - ason Public Forked frommuhammad-fiaz/ason
ASON: Adaptive Structured Object Notation - Python library for dynamic data serialization, providing flexibility and simplicity.
FiazTechnologies/ason’s past year of commit activity - dotsetup Public Forked frommuhammad-fiaz/dotsetup
DotSetup is a versatile Python package designed for streamlined management of multiple configurations. It simplifies the storage and retrieval of settings from .env and .json files, offering a seamless solution for your project's setup needs.
FiazTechnologies/dotsetup’s past year of commit activity