- Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz
- Kaiserslautern Germany
- https://www.dfki.de/web/ueber-uns/mitarbeiter/person/ahab03
🔭 I’m currently working onApplied Deep Learning in Genomics
🌱 I’m currently learningfront end developement
👯 I’m looking to collaborate onanything related to DNNs and biology
👨💻 All of my projects are available atgithub
💬 Ask me aboutpython, rnns and GANs
📫 How to reach meahteshamabbasi1996@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiencesahtisham-abbasi-00180b173
⚡ Fun factI think DNNs will overtake wetlabs some day
- Enhancer-GAN
Enhancer-GAN PublicGANs to generate enhancer sequences (work in progress)
Jupyter Notebook
- Deep-Walk
Deep-Walk PublicThis repo will consist of famous algorithms used for graph embeddings
Jupyter Notebook
- Neural-Networks-Codes
Neural-Networks-Codes PublicHere you will find implementation of neural networks. You can easily understand the architecture because comments have been associated with each line of code.
- Latext-based-EnhancerGAN
Latext-based-EnhancerGAN PublicThe repository contains the codes for the generation of enhancer sequences using RNN and embedding concepts.
Python 2
- neural-machine-translation-using-gan
neural-machine-translation-using-gan PublicApplication of rnn-gan to machine translation
Jupyter Notebook
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