- RPiKernelBuilder
RPiKernelBuilder PublicForked fromwebbbn/Open.HD-Kernel-Builder
Docker image for building Raspberry Pi kernel images used in DroneBridge
Shell 4
- DroneBridge
DroneBridge PublicDroneBridge is a system based on the WifiBroadcast approach. A bidirectional digital radio link between two endpoints is established using standard WiFi hardware and a custom protocol. DroneBridge …
- DroneBridge Public
DroneBridge is a system based on the WifiBroadcast approach. A bidirectional digital radio link between two endpoints is established using standard WiFi hardware and a custom protocol. DroneBridge is optimized for use in UAV applications and is a complete system. It is intended be a real alternative to other similar systems, such as DJI Lightbri…
DroneBridge/DroneBridge’s past year of commit activity - ardupilot_wiki Public Forked fromArduPilot/ardupilot_wiki
Repository for ArduPilot wiki issues and wiki-specific website infrastructure.
DroneBridge/ardupilot_wiki’s past year of commit activity - RPiKernelBuilder Public Forked fromwebbbn/Open.HD-Kernel-Builder
Docker image for building Raspberry Pi kernel images used in DroneBridge
DroneBridge/RPiKernelBuilder’s past year of commit activity - Desktop Public
DroneBridge modules & kernel patches to compile a working linux image (x86/ AMD64) that can be used as a ground station for the DroneBridge system. It can be used instead of the Raspberry Pi ground station. A working image is provided
DroneBridge/Desktop’s past year of commit activity - openvg Public Forked frompaeryn/openvg
Minimal modifications done by the WifiBroadcast project to make it suitable as an OSD. Content overlays video.
DroneBridge/openvg’s past year of commit activity