Deep Symmetry
- Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Our open-source projects are organized here on GitHub. They fall intoa few distinct categories:
afterglow is aClojure live-coding environment for creatingand running light shows with DMX and ArtNet fixtures. It led to…
dysentery, anotherClojure project for exploring how to integrate performances withPioneer DJ modular music performance gear. Its primary value is thelanguage-independentprotocol analysisdocumentation we published,and which has been used by multiple projects to create suchintegrations in a variety of programming languages. Our ownimplementation is:
beat-link, for whichwe dropped down from Clojure to Java to make it more accessible toby other developers in the JVM ecosystem. Although we find Clojureto be much faster and more expressive and safe as a developmentlanguage, not all developers are familiar with it, so slowing downto offer this as a pure Java library made it easier for Java,Kotlin, and other JVM communities to use. Publishing this libraryled someone to ask us to create:
beat-link-trigger,a Clojure integration environment for shows using beat-link.Initially a demonstration of how one could send MIDI events inresponse to DJ actions and in sync with beats, it has grown into farmore, and is our primary focus today, providing an on-ramp toperforming musicians and their tech crews, who are not primarilysoftware developers, to explore what is possible. Using Clojuremeans users can extend the program using the full power of thelanguage that was used to create it, without having to fork theproject or learn how to use a development environment. Code enteredusing the GUI is compiled and loaded with the same power andprivileges as any other code in the project, and new dependenciescan be downloaded and activated at runtime.
Over time these main projects spawned sub-projects, split out so thatpeople who only needed parts of the functionality could use themseparately. Seethis pagefor descriptions of them.
Here is one way to see how many people have been discovering theprojects over time. To avoid hammering the GitHub API, this is astatic image, but if you click on it you can see an up-to-date version(you may need to supply your own GitHub API token if you do itfrequently):
We have not had time to perform shows since 2016, so we aren't usingafterglow any longer, but it was for a long time the repository peopleare most excited about. Far more people use Beat Link Trigger, so itis surprising it took so long to catch up, but as noted above, few ofthose users are developers, so they tend not to have GitHub accountsor know about stars.
Most of the time we previously spent performing has been devoted toBeat Link Trigger and the related repositories that underpin it, whichmany interesting artists are using to synchronize visuals and lightingwith DJ performances.
As mentioned above, you can learn about the pieces that make up thesemain projects and which you might find useful on their ownhere.
- beat-link-trigger
beat-link-trigger PublicTrigger events and automate shows in response to events on Pioneer CDJs
- crate-digger
crate-digger PublicJava library for fetching and parsing rekordbox exports and track analysis files.
- bytefield-svg
bytefield-svg PublicNode module that generates byte field diagrams in SVG format
- crate-digger Public
Java library for fetching and parsing rekordbox exports and track analysis files.
Deep-Symmetry/crate-digger’s past year of commit activity