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MSDF font atlas generator


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This is a utility for generating compact font atlases usingMSDFgen.

The atlas generator loads a subset of glyphs from a TTF or OTF font file, generates a distance field for each of them, and tightly packs them into an atlas bitmap (example below). The finished atlas and/or its layout metadata can be exported as anArtery Font file, a plain image file, a CSV sheet or a structured JSON file.

Atlas example

A font atlas is typically stored in texture memory and used to draw text in real-time rendering contexts such as video games.

Atlas types

The atlas generator can generate the following six types of atlases.

Channels:1 (1-bit)11134
Sharp corners:----YesYes
Soft effects:--Yes--Yes
Hard effects:---YesYesYes


  • Sharp corners refers to preservation of corner sharpness when upscaled.
  • Soft effects refers to the support of effects that use true distance, such as glows, rounded outlines, or simplified shadows.
  • Hard effects refers to the support of effects that use perpendicular distance, such as mitered outlines or thickness adjustment.

Getting started

This project can be used either as a library or as a standalone console program.Examples of how to use it as a library are available at thebottom of the page.To start using the program right away, you may download a Windows binary in the"Releases" section.To build the project from source, you may use the includedCMake script.In its default configuration, it requiresvcpkg as the provider for third-party library dependencies.If you set the environment variableVCPKG_ROOT to the vcpkg directory, the CMake configuration will take care of fetching all required packages from vcpkg.

Command line arguments

Use the following command line arguments for the standalone version of the atlas generator.


  • -font <fontfile.ttf/otf> (required) – sets the input font file.
    • Alternatively, use-varfont <fontfile.ttf/otf?var0=value0&var1=value1> to configure a variable font.
  • -charset <charset.txt> – sets the character set. Seethe syntax specification ofcharset.txt.
  • -glyphset <glyphset.txt> – sets the set of input glyphs using their indices within the font file. Seethe syntax specification.
  • -chars /-glyphs <set string> sets the above character / glyph set in-line. Seethe syntax specification.
  • -allglyphs – sets the set of input glyphs to all glyphs present within the font file.
  • -fontscale <scale> – applies a scaling transformation to the font's glyphs. Mainly to be used to generate multiple sizes in a single atlas, otherwise use-size.
  • -fontname <name> – sets a name for the font that will be stored in certain output files as metadata.
  • -and – separates multiple inputs to be combined into a single atlas.

If no character set or glyph set is provided, and-allglyphs is not used, the ASCII charset will be used.

Bitmap atlas type

-type <type> – seeAtlas types

<type> can be one of:

  • hardmask – a non-anti-aliased binary image
  • softmask – an anti-aliased image
  • sdf – a true signed distance field (SDF)
  • psdf – a signed perpendicular distance field (PSDF)
  • msdf (default) – a multi-channel signed distance field (MSDF)
  • mtsdf – a combination of MSDF and true SDF in the alpha channel

Atlas image format

-format <format>

<format> can be one of:

  • png – a compressed PNG image
  • bmp – an uncompressed BMP image
  • tiff – an uncompressed floating-point TIFF image
  • text – a sequence of pixel values in plain text
  • textfloat – a sequence of floating-point pixel values in plain text
  • bin – a sequence of pixel values encoded as raw bytes of data
  • binfloat – a sequence of pixel values encoded as raw 32-bit floating-point values

If format is not specified, it may be deduced from the extension of the-imageout argument or other clues.

Atlas dimensions

-dimensions <width> <height> – sets fixed atlas dimensions

Alternatively, the minimum possible dimensions may be selected automatically if a dimensions constraint is set instead:

  • -pots – a power-of-two square
  • -potr – a power-of-two square or rectangle (typically 2:1 aspect ratio)
  • -square – any square dimensions
  • -square2 – square with even side length
  • -square4 (default) – square with side length divisible by four

Uniform grid atlas

By default, glyphs in the atlas have different dimensions and are bin-packed in an irregular fashion to maximize use of space.With the-uniformgrid switch, you can instead force all glyphs to have identical dimensions and be laid out in a grid.In that case, these additional options are available to customize the layout:

  • -uniformcols <N> – sets the number of columns
  • -uniformcell <width> <height> – sets the dimensions of the grid's cells
  • -uniformcellconstraint <none / pots / potr / square / square2 / square4> – sets constraint for cell dimensions (see explanation of options above)
  • -uniformorigin <off / on / horizontal / vertical> – sets whether the glyph's origin point should be fixed at the same position in each cell


Any non-empty subset of the following may be specified:

  • -imageout <filename.*> – saves the atlas bitmap as a plain image file. Format matches-format
  • -json <filename.json> – writes the atlas's layout data as well as other metrics into a structured JSON file
    JSON fields
    • atlas section includes the settings used to generate the atlas, including its type and dimensions. Thesize field represents the font size in pixels per em.
    • If there are multiple input fonts (-and parameter), the remaining data are grouped intovariants, each representing an input font.
    • metrics section contains useful font metric values retrieved from the font. All values are in em's.
    • glyphs is an array of individual glyphs identified by Unicode character index (unicode) or glyph index (index), depending on whether character set or glyph set mode is used.
      • advance is the horizontal advance in em's.
      • planeBounds represents the glyph quad's bounds in em's relative to the baseline and horizontal cursor position.
      • atlasBounds represents the glyph's bounds in the atlas in pixels.
    • If available,kerning lists all kerning pairs and their advance adjustment (which needs to be added to the base advance of the first glyph in the pair).
  • -csv <filename.csv> – writes the glyph layout data into a simple CSV file
    CSV columns
    • If there are multiple input fonts (-and parameter), the first column is the font index, otherwise it is skipped.
    • Character Unicode value or glyph index, depending on whether character set or glyph set mode is used.
    • Horizontal advance in em's.
    • The next 4 columns are the glyph quad's bounds in em's relative to the baseline and cursor. Depending on the-yorigin setting, this is eitherleft, bottom, right, top (bottom-up Y) orleft, top, right, bottom (top-down Y).
    • The last 4 columns the the glyph's bounds in the atlas in pixels. Depending on the-yorigin setting, this is eitherleft, bottom, right, top (bottom-up Y) orleft, top, right, bottom (top-down Y).
  • -arfont <filename.arfont> – saves the atlas and its layout data as anArtery Font file
  • -shadronpreview <filename.shadron> <sample text> – generates aShadron script that uses the generated atlas to draw a sample text as a preview

Glyph configuration

  • -size <em size> – sets the size of the glyphs in the atlas in pixels per em
  • -minsize <em size> – sets the minimum size. The largest possible size that fits the same atlas dimensions will be used
  • -emrange <em range> – sets the distance field range in em's
  • -pxrange <pixel range> (default = 2) – sets the distance field range in output pixels
  • -aemrange /-apxrange <outermost distance> <innermost distance> – sets the distance field range asymmetrically by specifying the minimum and maximum representable signed distances (outside distances are negative!)
  • -pxalign <off / on / horizontal / vertical> (default = vertical) – enables or disables alignment of glyph's origin point with the pixel grid
  • -empadding /-pxpadding <width> – sets additional padding within each glyph's box (in em's / pixels)
  • -outerempadding /-outerpxpadding <width> – sets additional padding around each glyph's box
  • -aempadding /-apxpadding /-aouterempadding /-aouterpxpadding <left> <bottom> <right> <top> – sets additional padding (see above) asymmetrically with a separate width value for each side

Distance field generator settings

  • -angle <angle> – sets the minimum angle between adjacent edges to be considered a corner. Append D for degrees (msdf /mtsdf only)
  • -coloringstrategy <simple / inktrap / distance> – selects the edge coloring heuristic (msdf /mtsdf only)
  • -errorcorrection <mode> – selects the error correction algorithm. Usehelp as mode for more information (msdf /mtsdf only)
  • -miterlimit <value> – sets the miter limit that limits the extension of each glyph's bounding box due to very sharp corners (psdf /msdf /mtsdf only)
  • -overlap – switches to distance field generator with support for overlapping contours
  • -nopreprocess – disables path preprocessing which resolves self-intersections and overlapping contours
  • -scanline – performs an additional scanline pass to fix the signs of the distances
  • -seed <N> – sets the initial seed for the edge coloring heuristic
  • -threads <N> – sets the number of threads for the parallel computation (0 = auto)
  • -yorigin <bottom / top> – specifies the direction of the Y-axis in output coordinates. The default is bottom-up.

Use-help for an exhaustive list of options.

Character set specification syntax

The character set file is a text file with UTF-8 or ASCII encoding.The characters can be denoted in the following ways:

  • Single character:'A' (UTF-8 encoded),65 (decimal Unicode),0x41 (hexadecimal Unicode)
  • Range of characters:['A', 'Z'],[65, 90],[0x41, 0x5a]
  • String of characters:"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" (UTF-8 encoded)

The entries should be separated by commas or whitespace.In between quotation marks, backslash is used as the escape character (e.g.'\'','\\',"!\"#").The order in which characters appear is not taken into consideration.

Additionally, the include directive can be used to include other charset files and combine character sets in a hierarchical way.It must be written on a separate line:

@include "base-charset.txt"

Glyph set specification

The syntax of the glyph set specification is mostly the same as that of a character set, but only numeric values (decimal and hexadecimal) are allowed.

Library usage examples

Here are commented snippets of code that demonstrate how the project can be used as a library.

Generating whole atlas at once

#include<msdf-atlas-gen/msdf-atlas-gen.h>usingnamespacemsdf_atlas;boolgenerateAtlas(constchar *fontFilename) {bool success =false;// Initialize instance of FreeType libraryif (msdfgen::FreetypeHandle *ft =msdfgen::initializeFreetype()) {// Load font fileif (msdfgen::FontHandle *font =msdfgen::loadFont(ft, fontFilename)) {// Storage for glyph geometry and their coordinates in the atlas            std::vector<GlyphGeometry> glyphs;// FontGeometry is a helper class that loads a set of glyphs from a single font.// It can also be used to get additional font metrics, kerning information, etc.            FontGeometryfontGeometry(&glyphs);// Load a set of character glyphs:// The second argument can be ignored unless you mix different font sizes in one atlas.// In the last argument, you can specify a charset other than ASCII.// To load specific glyph indices, use loadGlyphs instead.            fontGeometry.loadCharset(font,1.0, Charset::ASCII);// Apply MSDF edge coloring. See edge-coloring.h for other coloring strategies.constdouble maxCornerAngle =3.0;for (GlyphGeometry &glyph : glyphs)                glyph.edgeColoring(&msdfgen::edgeColoringInkTrap, maxCornerAngle,0);// TightAtlasPacker class computes the layout of the atlas.            TightAtlasPacker packer;// Set atlas parameters:// setDimensions or setDimensionsConstraint to find the best value            packer.setDimensionsConstraint(TightAtlasPacker::DimensionsConstraint::SQUARE);// setScale for a fixed size or setMinimumScale to use the largest that fits            packer.setMinimumScale(24.0);// setPixelRange or setUnitRange            packer.setPixelRange(2.0);            packer.setMiterLimit(1.0);// Compute atlas layout - pack glyphs            packer.pack(, glyphs.size());// Get final atlas dimensionsint width =0, height =0;            packer.getDimensions(width, height);// The ImmediateAtlasGenerator class facilitates the generation of the atlas bitmap.            ImmediateAtlasGenerator<float,// pixel type of buffer for individual glyphs depends on generator function3,// number of atlas color channels                msdfGenerator,// function to generate bitmaps for individual glyphs                BitmapAtlasStorage<byte,3>// class that stores the atlas bitmap// For example, a custom atlas storage class that stores it in VRAM can be used.            >generator(width, height);// GeneratorAttributes can be modified to change the generator's default settings.            GeneratorAttributes attributes;            generator.setAttributes(attributes);            generator.setThreadCount(4);// Generate atlas bitmap            generator.generate(, glyphs.size());// The atlas bitmap can now be retrieved via atlasStorage as a BitmapConstRef.// The glyphs array (or fontGeometry) contains positioning data for typesetting text.            success =my_project::submitAtlasBitmapAndLayout(generator.atlasStorage(), glyphs);// Cleanupmsdfgen::destroyFont(font);        }msdfgen::deinitializeFreetype(ft);    }return success;}

Dynamic atlas

TheDynamicAtlas class allows you to add glyphs to the atlas "on-the-fly" as they are needed. In this example, theImmediateAtlasGenerator is used as the underlying atlas generator, which however isn't ideal for this purpose because it may launch new threads every time. In practice, you would typically define your own atlas generator class that properly handles your specific performance and synchronization requirements.

Acquiring theGlyphGeometry objects can be adapted from the previous example.

#include<msdf-atlas-gen/msdf-atlas-gen.h>usingnamespacemsdf_atlas;using MyDynamicAtlas = DynamicAtlas<ImmediateAtlasGenerator<float,3, msdfGenerator, BitmapAtlasStorage<byte,3>>>;constdouble pixelRange =2.0;constdouble glyphScale =32.0;constdouble miterLimit =1.0;constdouble maxCornerAngle =3.0;MyDynamicAtlas atlas;voidaddGlyphsToAtlas(GlyphGeometry *glyphs,int count) {for (int i =0; i < count; ++i) {// Apply MSDF edge coloring. See edge-coloring.h for other coloring strategies.        glyphs[i].edgeColoring(&msdfgen::edgeColoringInkTrap, maxCornerAngle,0);// Finalize glyph box size based on the parameters        glyphs[i].wrapBox(glyphScale, pixelRange/glyphScale, miterLimit);    }// Add glyphs to atlas - invokes the underlying atlas generator// Adding multiple glyphs at once may improve packing efficiency.    MyDynamicAtlas::ChangeFlags change = atlas.add(glyphs, count);if (change&MyDynamicAtlas::RESIZED) {// Atlas has been enlarged - can be handled here or directly in custom generator class    }// Glyph positioning data is now stored in glyphs.}

The atlas storage (and its bitmap) can be accessed asdynamicAtlas.atlasGenerator().atlasStorage().

