Android app that displays local weather both now ("Nu") and later ("Sen").
Gathers data from multiple providers to show less guessy data.
If one provider says "rain" and the others say "no rain" then the app says "no rain".
If 2 providers say "sun", and one say "rain" and one say "clouds", then the app says "sun".
- ..fast boot (finding location and querying weather-providers).
- ..fresh data.
- ..a pretty street sign.
(not affiliated)
//TODO: Test if fmi and weather.gov return actual data, not just test data.
- SMHI.se
- YR.no
- FMI.fi
Ask about weathers
Save temps in an array, easier to calc median then.
Do the same for weather-type-id, (generalize for providers first)
Rain is 1001, cloudy is 1002, halvklart is 1003 and sunny is 1004. Use an arraylist to get median value.
When receiving weather, first loop until now-hour and then continue loop to later-hour is found, then exit the loop.