I'mAssah Bismark, a passionate software engineer from Cameroon with expertise in full-stack development, DevOps, and security. I thrive in purpose-driven environments and love solving complex problems.
Ever since I joined GitHub1 years ago, I pushed412 commits, opened35 issues, submitted65 pull requests, received26 stars across16 personal projects, and contributed to7 public repositories.
Here is a list of myprojects ;Bash, Zig, C, Go, Python, Kotlin, Java, JavaScript:
Datasafe - A Secure, Encrypted, and Versioned Data Storage Library keycloak-angular-passkey - An angular client for passkey compatibility with keycloak e2e-banking - Comprehensive end-to-end banking application Monitor Mind - Automated System Monitoring Tool release-script - Perform software releases report Sscrapy - A Web Scraping Tool Multiparty computing - secure computation among multiple parties | •Keycloak Config CLI: A Guide to Remote State Management •Using Flocker Volumes with Kubernetes •AWS Lambda: Deploying Python Web Apps •Reformatting Airtable JSON in Jinja More ontil.assahbismark.com |
Tip: Runssh git.assah.dev
to browse my repositories on your terminal.
>_ Also, I am actively working onkc-cli ( a Keycloak utility to ensure the desired configuration state for a keycloak realm based on JSON/YAML) - where we Maintain, Refactor and develop new features with respect to (keycloak)[https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak] releases.
Check out mytils(technical documentations)here. I regularly write about topics that pique my interest. For all my latest updates, follow me onX/. If you havejob-related inquiries, please don't hesitate to connect with me onLinkedIn.
If you want to support my work, considersponsoring me!
- adorsys/keycloak-config-cli
adorsys/keycloak-config-cli PublicImport YAML/JSON-formatted configuration files into Keycloak - Configuration as Code for Keycloak.
- adorsys/datasafe
adorsys/datasafe PublicSecure, Encrypted and Versioned Data Storage Library
- ADORSYS-GIS/report-sscrap
ADORSYS-GIS/report-sscrap PublicJupyter Notebook
- ADORSYS-GIS/release-script
ADORSYS-GIS/release-script PublicPython
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