A syntax highlighting edit control for the RAD Studio (Delphi and C++ Builder VCL) with code folding, completion proposal, matching pair, minimap, sync edit, multi-caret editing, word wrap, support for non-fixed-width fonts, etc. External highlighter and color scheme files are in JSON format and can be loaded at runtime.
- Delphi versions XE4 or higher
- C++ Builder versions XE7 or higher
with BCEditor1dobegin Highlighter.LoadFromFile('JSON.json'); Highlighter.Colors.LoadFromFile('Default.json'); LoadFromFile(GetHighlighterFileName('JSON.json')); ... Lines.Text := Highlighter.Info.General.Sample;end;
Note! LoadFromStream / LoadFromResource does not support multi-highlighters (for example HTML with Scripts.json). Override TBCBaseEditor.CreateFileStream function, if you want to load multi-highlighters from a stream.