Build an API that consumes the Github API to find repositories for a given user.
The purpose of the task is to highlight your abilities on the backend. Feel free to usewhichever libraries and frameworks you feel comfortable with. We understand that skills aretransferable. Note that we useNode, Express, MongoDBand are pushing intoES6/7features but can live with other technologies and older JS techniques. Just be ready to talkabout your choices.
- create a route to get a user's repositories
- create a route to search a user's repository
- create a route to filter a user's repositories by name
- create a route to post a comment for a repo. store this in mongo.
- create a route to get all comments for a repo from the db
Consider the following things as ways you can showoff your skills
- Caching
- Authentication
- RESTful API design
- We want to be able to start the application as easily as possible
- Feel free to show off with your code
- Be ready to talk about all aspects of your code We're developers too, we just want
to talk code - Push your work to github/bitbucket/etc and provide a link