BDM is super simple, fully declarative clj/cljc bi directional mapper that allow convert your data fromA
and back.
(nsuser (:require [bdm.core as bdm]))(defperson {:name"John":lastname"Smith":contacts [{:type"email":value"john@smith.com"} {:type"phone":use"home":value"12223334455"} {:type"phone":use"work":value"15556667788"}]})(defmapping [[[:name]] [[:lastname]] [[:emails] [:contacts {:get [:=:type"email"]}:#]] [[:phones] [:contacts {:get [:=:type"phone"]}:#]]])(bdm/import person mapping);; Will return;; {:name "John",;; :lastname "Smith",;; :emails [{:type "email", :value "john@smith.com"}],;; :phones [{:type "phone", :use "home", :value "12223334455"};; {:type "phone", :use "vork", :value "15556667788"}]};; We can do import/export roundtrip(= person (bdm/export (bdm/import person mapping) mapping));; => true
is a array ofpaths
pairs. Firstpath
of pair used as setter rule and second as a getter rule.
(defmapping [[[:username] [:login]]])(defuser {:login"super-user"})(bdm/import user mapping);; will return;; {:username "super-user"}(defimported-user {:username"super-user"})(bdm/export imported-user mapping);; will return;; {:login "super-user"}
In this sample we take value fromuser
by path[:login]
and set this value into result with path[:username]
Path can be deep
(defwindow-mapping [[[:hash] [:window:location:hash]] [[:path] [:window:location:pathname]]])(defwindow {:window {:location {:hash"#about":pathname"/index.html"}}})(bdm/import window window-mapping);; Will return;; {:hash "#about";; :path "/index.html"}(deflocation {:hash"#contact":path"/spa.html"})(bdm/export location window-mapping);; Will return;; {:window {:location {:hash "#contact";; :pathname "/spa.html"}}})
# run repl$ make repl# run test$ make test
For more details and usage details see tests.
MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 Marat Surmashev