🖼️ Checkout my websiteadelbeit.com
✨ I'm passionate about #techforgood.
🔭 I’m currently looking for new opporutnities and challenges.
🌱 I’m currently learning aboutBuilding a scalable B2B platform.
💬 Ask me aboutReact, Typescript, UX/UI design, music, television, cooking.
📌 Checkout my latest projectEvent Extractor.
⚡ Fun fact, I've gone solo skydiving.
☄ Come hangout with me onCodePen!
- scrabble-buddy
scrabble-buddy Publicscrabble word checker api, uses official scrabble word dictionary
- event-extractor
event-extractor Publicextracts work schedules from screenshots and creates calendar events for them. uses tesseract ocr engine
- MouseGlove
MouseGlove PublicElectronics project. Made a glove-like device that sat on your hand and turned it into a computer mouse, effectively making your hand the mouse.
C++ 1
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