This is a Fabric Minecraft mod for version 1.16.5
This mod contains meat for hostile mobs, each with their own effect when consumed.
These have a chance of dropping 0-2 of the following, each one restores 3 hunger raw and 8 hunger when cooked. When these meat are cooked in a furnace, smoker or campfire the status effect times are increased.
Blaze Meat - Slow Falling II and Glowing (5 seconds/45 seconds)
Creeper Meat - Causes an explosion and instantly kills the player (no hunger restored and no time on effect as it is instant death)
Ender Meat - Invisibility (10 seconds/50 seconds)
Elder Meat - Haste II (5 seconds/45 seconds)
Ghast Meat - Slowness II and Fire Resistance II (5 seconds/45 seconds)
Guardian Meat - Dophins Grace (5 seconds/45 seconds)
Magma Meat - Blindness (5 seconds/45 seconds)
Ravager Meat - Speed III and Nausea II (10 seconds/45 seconds) and Levitation (5 seconds/5 seconds)
Sime Meat - Jump Boost III (5 seconds/45 seconds)
Bone Marrow (from skeletons) - Strength (10 seconds/45 seconds)
Villagers drop 1-2 Flesh and the remaining mobs drop 0-2
Flesh (dropped by villagers, pillagers, evokers, vindicators, and witches) - no effect, but 8 of these and a bottle can be crafted intoblood, which gives Health Boost for 25 seconds
Villagers drop 1 Eternal Flesh if the conditions are met
Eternal Flesh - Health Boost IV (8 hours 20 minutes), this is dropped by villagers when "burnt on a stake" in the Nether (a villager must be standing on a fence post above a campfire)
This mod requires the Fabric API
This is available under the CC0 license.