Create an instance of the Shopier class. import { Shopier } from 'shopier-api' ; //CommonJS const { Shopier} = require ( 'shopier-api' ) //ES const shopier = new Shopier ( 'apiKey' , 'apiSecret' ) ; Set the buyer's information. shopier . setBuyer ( { buyer_id_nr :'010101' , product_name :'Balance' , buyer_name :'Fatih' , buyer_surname :'Akdoğan' , buyer_email :'' , buyer_phone :'05555555555' } ) ; Set buyer's billing address. shopier . setOrderBilling ( { billing_address :'Kennedy Caddesi No:2592' , billing_city :'Istanbul' , billing_country :'Türkiye' , billing_postcode :'34000' } ) ; Set buyer's shipping address. shopier . setOrderShipping ( { shipping_address :'Kennedy Caddesi No:2592' , shipping_city :'Istanbul' , shipping_country :'Türkiye' , shipping_postcode :'34000' } ) ; How much will the customer pay? const paymentPage = shopier . generatePaymentHTML ( 15 ) ; This will return the purchase form as html.
If we give an example for Express JS: app . get ( '/pay' , ( req , res ) => { res . end ( paymentPage ) ; } ) ; Now that we have render the html, a callback will be required after checkout.
app . post ( '/callback' , ( req , res ) => { const callback = shopier . callback ( req . body , 'apiSecret' ) ; } ) ; If payment was successful, it will return order_id, payment_id, installment. { order_id: 10592, payment_id: 413449826, installment: 0 }