


GitLive 18

Accelerate your
development team.

100,000+ downloads
Available for VS Code and JetBrains platforms
Don't let merge conflicts dictate your workflow.
Are branching strategies designed to avoid conflicts slowing you and your team down?
If you areassigning every developer a separate feature to build be prepared for knowledge silos and individual features shipping no faster than they would with a single developer.

Whilstdoing away with branching all together comes at the cost of additional development and testing to ensure work in progress doesn't break existing functionality.

So we built a faster way to work together.
Eliminate the pain of merge conflicts.

Preemptive merge conflict detection identifies conflicts as you code together.

Early detection avoids complex conflicts later in the development process reducing your teams time to merge.

Swarm to greatness. With the confidence you are not creating conflicts, your team can start focusing on more closely related tasks and deliver what counts faster than ever before.

All work in progress in one place.
The repository view compares your branch against all others without needing to fetch. Check the latest changes to pull from an upstream branch, review conflicts between your branch and your teammates and much more.
See your team's changes in the gutter.
Gutter indicators in your editor show the lines that have been changed on other branches. Discover your teammates' work in progress, stimulate code discussions and align your efforts to avoid conflicts and ease future integration.
Great teams swarm.
Are your junior developers getting the support they need?
Swarming on more closely related tasks helps team members learn from one another and foster amore collaborative environment.

But best of all swarming helps developershit their sprint goals anddeliver business value faster versus working on unrelated tasks.

Introducing the tools for teams who swarm.
Share your work before you push.

Get the pace up hackathon style. Go live whenever you want feedback or assistance from your teammates.

Share your working tree changes
Share asnapshot of your local changes instead of pasting code into chat applications or go live forreal⁠–⁠time merge conflict detection and more.
Presence for developers
Let your teammates know whichbranch you are working on or signal to your team you are in the zone withdo not disturb mode.
Always up-to-date
GitLive seamlessly combines the latest git data from your local repository and your hosting service API with the changes your teammates are sharing to stay up⁠–⁠to⁠–⁠date without needing to fetch.
Branch stacking
Stacked branch support lets you know when there arecommits to pull from your stack of upstream branches and if theycontain any conflicts.
Push notifications
Get notified the moment your teammatespush changes that conflict with your work or when you fall behind any of yourtracked branches.
Organization-wide updates
Working across multiple repositories? Getnotified of changes and review the latest state ofall repositories via the organization view.
Secure integrations
Signing in withGitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, orAzure DevOps securely stores your credentials on your machine and your machine only.
Enterprise-grade security
End-to-end encryption ensures only you and the other members of your organization can read what you share, and nobody in between, not even GitLive.
Filter out the noise
Powerful diffing options let youcustomize the comparison of branches, files and lines to zero in on the changes you are interested in.
And so much more.
GitLive is packed with features for more collaborative dev teams.
Sign In With GitHub
Sign In With GitLab
Sign In With Bitbucket
Sign In With Azure DevOps
Pull Reminders
Context Search
Organization View
Sign In With GitHub
Sign In With GitLab
Sign In With Bitbucket
Sign In With Azure DevOps
Pull Reminders
Repository View
Organization View
Sign In With GitHub
Sign In With GitLab
Sign In With Bitbucket
Sign In With Azure DevOps
Pull Reminders
Repository View
Organization View
Enhanced Presence
Dark Mode
Notification Muting
Stacked Branches
On-Prem Git Support
Stale Branch Filter
Diff View Options
Enhanced Presence
Dark Mode
Notification Muting
Stacked Branches
On-Prem Git Support
Stale Branch Filter
Diff View Options
Enhanced Presence
Dark Mode
Notification Muting
Stacked Branches
On-Prem Git Support
Stale Branch Filter
Diff View Options
Hunk Cherry Picking
Special Branch Hoisting
Offline Mode
Merge Authors
Tracked Branches
Sign In With Access Token
Until Next Commit
Hunk Cherry Picking
Special Branch Hoisting
Offline Mode
Merge Authors
Tracked Branches
Sign In With Access Token
Until Next Commit
Hunk Cherry Picking
Special Branch Hoisting
Offline Mode
Merge Authors
Tracked Branches
Sign In With Access Token
Until Next Commit
Level up your teamwork. This is just the beginning. We're building the best way for developers to collaborate in real-time.
End-To-End Encryption
Inline Code Conversations
Coming Soon
VS Code Web Support
Coming Soon
Monorepo Mode
Coming Soon
JoinGitLive's Early Access Program to get access to features early.
Start using GitLive for free.
Even if your teammates don't yet.
GitLive works seamlessly with Git, so you can start eliminating the pain of merge conflicts today.
100,000+ downloads
Available for VS Code and JetBrains platforms.

