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// Just before switching jobs: | |
// Add one of these. | |
// Preferably into the same commit where you do a large merge. | |
// | |
// This started as a tweet with a joke of "C++ pro-tip: #define private public", | |
// and then it quickly escalated into more and more evil suggestions. | |
// I've tried to capture interesting suggestions here. | |
// | |
// Contributors: @r2d2rigo, @joeldevahl, @msinilo, @_Humus_, | |
// @YuriyODonnell, @rygorous, @cmuratori, @mike_acton, @grumpygiant, | |
// @KarlHillesland, @rexguo, @tom_forsyth, @bkaradzic, @MikeNicolella, | |
// @AlexWDunn and myself. | |
// | |
// In case it's not clear: I am not suggesting you *actually* do this! | |
// Easy keyword replacement. Too easy to detect I think! | |
#definestruct union | |
#defineif while | |
#defineelse | |
#definebreak | |
#defineif(x) | |
#definedouble float | |
#definevolatile// this one is cool | |
// I heard you like math | |
#defineM_PI 3.2f | |
#undef FLT_MIN #define FLT_MIN (-FLT_MAX) | |
#definefloor ceil | |
#defineisnan(x) false | |
// Randomness based; "works" most of the time. | |
#definetrue ((__LINE__&15)!=15) | |
#definetrue ((rand()&15)!=15) | |
#defineif(x) if ((x) && (rand() < RAND_MAX * 0.99)) | |
// String/memory handling, probably can live undetected quite long! | |
#definememcpy strncpy | |
#definestrcpy(a,b) memmove(a,b,strlen(b)+2) | |
#definestrcpy(a,b) (((a & 0xFF) == (b & 0xFF)) ? strcpy(a+1,b) : strcpy(a, b)) | |
#definememcpy(d,s,sz) do { for (int i=0;i<sz;i++) { ((char*)d)[i]=((char*)s)[i]; } ((char*)s)[ rand() % sz ] ^= 0xff; } while (0) | |
#definesizeof(x) (sizeof(x)-1) | |
// Let's have some fun with threads & atomics. | |
#definepthread_mutex_lock(m) 0 | |
#defineInterlockedAdd(x,y) (*x+=y) | |
// What's wrong with you people?! | |
#define__dcbt __dcbz // for PowerPC platforms | |
#define__dcbt __dcbf // for PowerPC platforms | |
#define__builtin_expect(a,b) b // for gcc | |
#definecontinue if (HANDLE h = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, false, rand()) ) { TerminateProcess(h, 0); CloseHandle(h); } break | |
// Some for HLSL shaders: | |
#definerow_major column_major | |
#definenointerpolation | |
#definebranch flatten | |
#defineany all |
counter185 commentedJun 25, 2021
#definemalloc(x) (void*)(rand()*0x121200)
bjorn3 commentedJun 25, 2021
That will immediately crash@counter185 I think. You may as well return a fixed(void*)0x100
or something like that.
@bjorn3 just tried it with gcc and it works
EDIT: by works i mean compiles
thenexxuz-zz commentedJul 27, 2021
You know that feeling you get right before you barf.... your skin goes clammy and you shiver a little bit..... then you have the taste of TV static in the back of your mouth...... then this happens.
rojvv commentedAug 30, 2021
advnpzn commentedSep 1, 2021
How to automate carts using redstone in minecraft ? Any help ?
counter185 commentedSep 1, 2021
@notPlasticCat Try detector rails attached to powered rails
advnpzn commentedSep 1, 2021
@notPlasticCat Try detector rails attached to powered rails
Thank you! I will ask if I get any doubts.
mekb-turtle commentedSep 3, 2021
mhm yes minecraft very related to this post lol
JosephCatrambone commentedOct 21, 2021
#define free(p) realloc(p, 1)
boomer41 commentedNov 27, 2021
This will add a counter for every if and while statement on lines divisible by 10.
For each invocation of the if/while, the counter goes up by 1. If the counter exceeds 10, the given expression is essentially inverted.
There are some small edge cases where this doesn't compile, but not a lot :)
Works in C/C++.
#defineif(_x) \ if ( \ ( \ (__LINE__%10)==0 && \ ({ \ static int ___I_AM_EVIL = 0; \ ___I_AM_EVIL++; \ (___I_AM_EVIL > 10); \ }) \ ) \ ^ (_x))#definewhile(_x) \ while ( \ ( \ (__LINE__%10)==0 && \ ({ \ static int ___I_AM_EVIL = 0; \ ___I_AM_EVIL++; \ (___I_AM_EVIL > 10); \ }) \ ) \ ^ (_x))
dkfellows commentedMay 31, 2022
Can anyone think of something involving
? Trying to figure out something doable
Absolutelyanything involving them is already excessively evil. Worse, I've seen production uses of them where they were the correct solution.
antoniwalburg commentedDec 5, 2022
**Shameless you guys**
I believe leavingreturn False
in some hidden part of the code will fit here
Starmania commentedJan 8, 2023
How to automate carts using redstone in minecraft ? Any help ?
Why are you doing here
keithpl commentedMay 3, 2023
#undef printf#defineprintf(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
JJL772 commentedMay 30, 2023
Microsoft's STL will check for keyword redefinitions:
#define _XKEYCHECK_H
will ensure it never gets included though 😉
#defineexit(x) while(1)malloc(1000)
maximal commentedMay 31, 2023
@mekb-turtle, wow, that’s quite good!
#definemalloc(x) alloca(x * (1 << 15))
Have fun smashing some stacks on heap allocations. :)
Firsto commentedAug 29, 2023
why so cruel
PackmanDude commentedSep 27, 2023
0xae commentedOct 18, 2023
mekb-turtle commentedOct 19, 2023
#definemalloc(x) malloc((x)-__LINE__)
Journeyman1337 commentedJan 29, 2024
#definemalloc(x) malloc((x)-((rand()%100<98)?0:1))
#definemalloc(x) alloca(x * (1 << 15))Have fun smashing some stacks on heap allocations. :)
#definemalloc(x) malloc((x)-1)
Stenzel commentedFeb 2, 2024
#define auto char
Jacoblightning commentedOct 8, 2024
Some good ones I made
// ReSharper disable CppUnusedIncludeDirective#pragma once// This file is INTENDED to be evil.// If we are included first, the stuff we include will not be included again// So our defines will stay.// If not, we will undef them anyway.// It's a win-win# include<stdlib.h>#include<stdnoreturn.h>#include<setjmp.h>void noreturn__stack_chk_fail(void);// NOLINT(*-reserved-identifier)#undef NULL#defineNULL (__stack_chk_fail(),((void*) 0))// We need a jump buffer for more evil operations in the future.#defineint static jmp_buf _jbuf; \ int// Also invoke side effects here.#defineif(orig) if(setjmp(_jbuf),((orig)&&(orig)))#defineelse longjmp(_jbuf, 1);
justcore69 commentedFeb 25, 2025
Ok thats evil