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CreatedMarch 7, 2014 13:35
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    Save speg/9411572 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

    I hereby claim:

    • I am speg on github.
    • I am speg ( on keybase.
    • I have a public key whose fingerprint is B28A 9492 AE2D 28D4 77CD 9C9D 4248 7177 4777 D27E

    To claim this, I am signing this object:

    {"body": {"key": {"fingerprint":"b28a9492ae2d28d477cd9c9d424871774777d27e","host":"","key_id":"424871774777d27e","uid":"1b095c7255e64cedd0acc324fc3d0100","username":"speg"        },"service": {"name":"github","username":"speg"        },"type":"web_service_binding","version":1    },"ctime":1394199267,"expire_in":157680000,"prev":null,"seqno":1,"tag":"signature"}

    with the PGP key whose fingerprint isB28A 9492 AE2D 28D4 77CD 9C9D 4248 7177 4777 D27E(captured above asbody.key.fingerprint), yielding the PGP signature:

    -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----Version: Keybase OpenPGP JS 0.0.1Comment: PGP MESSAGE-----

    And finally, I am proving ownership of the github account by posting this as a gist.

    My publicly-auditable identity:

    From the command line:

    Consider thekeybase command line program.

    # look me upkeybase id speg# encrypt a message to mekeybase encrypt speg -m'a secret message...'# ...and more...
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