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chranderson /nvmCommands.js
Last activeMarch 25, 2025 08:29
Useful NVM commands
// check version
// list locally installed versions of node
// list remove available versions of node
// install specific version of node
mike-weiner /
Last activeMarch 25, 2025 08:27
An explanation of how to install a specific version of a Homebrew formula.

Sometimes you need to install a specific, older version of an existing Homebrew Formula. In this guide I am going to demonstrate how to install an older version ofkubectl, but it can be generalized for an Formula.

The Kubernetes CLI is available as a Homebrew Formulae:

At the time of writing, my only options to installkubectl via Homebrew are:

  • brew install kubectl
    • Would install the default version ofv1.29
  • brew install kubectl@1.29 orbrew install kubectl@1.28
TheGreatSageEqualToHeaven /
Last activeMarch 25, 2025 08:26
Data store vulnerabilities

A warning to Roblox developers about a powerful exploit primitive. In this, I will detail the research I’ve conducted into this attack vector and walk you through how you as a developer, can protect against exploits with primitives like this.

DataStoreService lets you store data that needs to persist between sessions, such as items in a player’s inventory or skill points. Data stores are consistent per experience, so any place in an experience can access and change the same data, including places on different servers.

By default, experiences tested in Studio cannot access data stores, so you must first enable API services. You will need to do this to test the vulnerabilities.

The idea I wanted to explore when pondering the above question was; can we exploit remotes to prevent data from saving? It is easy to blame the developer for not protecting themselves against such a simple exploit but it ends up being more complicated than that. I found plenty of examples of these vulnerabilities occurring

gboudreau /
Last activeMarch 25, 2025 08:25— forked fromIngramz/
Export TOTP tokens from Authy

IMPORTANT - Update regarding deprecation of Authy desktop apps

Past August 2024, Authy stopped supported the desktop version of their apps:
SeeAuthy is shutting down its desktop app | The 2FA app Authy will only be available on Android and iOS starting in August for details.

And indeed, after a while, Authy changed something in their backend which now prevents the old desktop app from logging in. If you are already logged in, then you are in luck, and you can follow the instructions below to export your tokens.

If you are not logged in anymore, but can find a backup of the necessary files, then restore those files, and re-install Authy 2.2.3 following the instructions below, and it should work as expected.

padeoe /
Last activeMarch 25, 2025 08:25
CLI-Tool for download Huggingface models and datasets with aria2/wget: hfd


(2025-01-08) Add feature for 🏷️Tag(Revision) Selection, contributed by@Bamboo-D.
(2024-12-17) Add feature for ⚡Quick Startup and ⏭️Fast Resume, enabling skipping of downloaded files, while removing thegit clone dependency to accelerate file list retrieval.

Considering the lack of multi-threaded download support in the officialhuggingface-cli, and the inadequate error handling inhf_transfer, This command-line tool leveragescurl andaria2c for fast and robust downloading of models and datasets.


  • ⏯️Resume from breakpoint: You can re-run it or Ctrl+C anytime.
isaacsanders /
CreatedJanuary 21, 2012 15:32
Joel Spolsky on Equity for Startups

This is a post by Joel Spolsky. The original post is linked at the bottom.

This is such a common question here and elsewhere that I will attempt to write the world's most canonical answer to this question. Hopefully in the future when someone on answers.onstartups asks how to split up the ownership of their new company, you can simply point to this answer.

The most important principle:Fairness, and the perception of fairness, is much more valuable than owning a large stake. Almost everything that can go wrong in a startup will go wrong, and one of the biggest things that can go wrong is huge, angry, shouting matches between the founders as to who worked harder, who owns more, whose idea was it anyway, etc. That is why I would always rather split a new company 50-50 with a friend than insist on owning 60% because "it was my idea," or because "I was more experienced" or anything else. Why? Because if I split the company 60-40, the company is going to fail when we argue ourselves to death. And if you ju

MAIN_ACTIVITY = .entry.MainActivity
./gradlew clean
./gradlew build

