Northern Cyprus – The Complex Reality of Internet Geolocation
Geolocation plays a crucial role in determining the online experience for users. However, this system is not without its challenges, as exemplified by the case of Northern Cyprus. This region, while legally recognized as part of Cyprus, faces a unique dilemma when it comes to online identification.
Northern Cyprus, situated on the island of Cyprus, is officially recognized as part of the Republic of Cyprus. However, the de facto situation is markedly different, with Turkey exerting influence and control over the region. This dual status has significant implications for the internet experience of those residing in Northern Cyprus.

At Geonames, we acknowledge the complexities surrounding Northern Cyprus and its online identification. In response to user concerns and to better reflect the on-the-ground reality, we have updated our database. The feature now carries the country code TR (Turkey) with a secondary code CY (Cyprus), accompanied by carefully defined boundaries.
One of the major challenges faced by individuals in Northern Cyprus is the misidentification of their location by IP locators. Despite the de facto situation aligning them more closely with Turkey, many geolocation services identify them solely as being in Cyprus. This discrepancy can impact various aspects of their online experience, from accessing region-specific content to encountering challenges with online services that depend on accurate location data. As most IP location service are based on Geonames data the recent update will help improve the result.
St. or Saint ?
I was recently asked whether we could harmonize the usage ofSt. andSaint. We do use both and have places with the main toponym name starting withSt. and others starting withSaint.
Examples areSt. Louis andSaint Paul, Minnesota.
As it turns out wikipedia makes this same distinction and uses St forSt. Louis and Saint forSaint Paul.
When checking google trends to see what is used in searches we also encounter the same pattern. WhileSt is used more often when searching for St. Louis,Saint is used more likely when searching for Saint Paul.

Considering the usage of bothSt. andSaintI think we should not harmonize, but rather use what is commonly used for the particular place. We should respect different usage for different places and not try to force a harmonized standard on it. Be itSt. orSaint.
Addresses for France finally open
At the beginning of this year theaddresses for France have become finally available as open data under theFrench IO license compatible with CC-BY.
The data has been downloadable for a couple of years at no cost, but unfortunately under a restricted share-alike license. It is very good news that the understanding that share-alike is quite the contrary of open has won ground and made the French government change the license strategy.
Néanmoins, je considère que la constitution d’une base adresse nationale gratuite et unifiée est un enjeu important pour l’économie française ainsi que pour la chaîne de décision publique (gestion de crise, gestion des équipements, etc.) et doit constituer une priorité pour la transformation de l’Etat. [réponse du Premier Ministre, 4 Mars 2019]
The new address data is available in the geonames api for theaddress services:
geoCodeAddress it retrieves the lat/lng for a given street:
The reverse geocoding serviceaddress returns the next address for a given lat/lng:
ThestreetNameLookup allows for user friendly input forms.
You can make a request to the server to get all streets beginning with the letters typed by the user:
With this new addition the number ofcountries supported by the address services has increased to 28.
Historic Names with new From/To field
To improve coverage and handling for historic names the GeoNames alternatenames table has two new fields ‘from‘ and ‘to‘. The two fields allow adding a string describing the period when the name was used. The main use case is for historic names but current names may also have the ‘from‘ field filled to indicate since when the current name is in use.
So far the fields only contain years. The data type string, however, allows to express other information as well. Like ’14uu’ to express the fourteenth century or ‘197u’ to describe the seventies. We don’t want to invent our own standard to describe uncertainty and will use the ISO 8601 standard once it will be published. The ISO 8601 will supersede the library of congressExtended Date/Time Format (EDTF ) draft.
Some examples:
Jakarta has the following alternatenames with the fields filled:
- Sunda Kelapa 397-1527
- Jayakarta 1527-1619
- Batavia 1619-1949
- Djakarta 1949-1972
- Jakarta 1972-
The German cityChemnitzwas called Karl-Marx-Stadt from 1953 till 1990.Mumbaiwas called Bombay in English till 1995.
To export the two new fields a new file alternatenamesV2 is now available in the download directory. The file is the same as the now obsolete file alternatenames, with two additional columns. The two files will exists for some time in parallel to allow users to change their import scripts.
New Map Layout

After many years without major changes to the GeoNames Map Interface it was time for an update. The new Map Interface makes full use of the screen for the map view. Other information is displayed on top of the map. The GeoNames gazetteer layer can now be displayed together with the wikipedia mashup. Boundingboxes and polygon boundaries are displayed where available and when associated with a GeoName feature. The bounding box is derived from the polygon information or from bounding boxes of children features. For populated places without polygon information the bounding box is derived from population number and feature code.
Thanks toChristophefor the implementation.
Improved SRTM Digital Elevation Data
GeoNames is switching from theoriginal SRTM data provided by NASA to the processedsrtm v4.1 data provided by cgiar. The extract files now contain srtm data where available and gtopo30 elsewhere.
SRTM is digital elevation model from 56° S to 60° N in a three arcsecond (90 m) resolution. The original data provided byNASAcontains small holes of no data over water bodies, mountainous regions and desertic regions. Andy Jarvis and Edward Guevara of the CIAT Agroecosystems Resilience project (CGIAR), Hannes Isaak Reuter (JRC-IES-LMNH) and Andy Nelson (JRC-IES-GEM) have further processed the original DEMs to fill in these no-data voids. This involved the production of vector contours and points, and the re-interpolation of these derived contours back into a raster DEM. TheConsultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is a global partnership that unites organizations engaged in research for sustainable development to reduce poverty and hunger, improve human health and nutrition, and enhance ecosystem resilience.
GeoNames has been kindly granted permission to use the processed srtm data. In exchange CGIAR has been given complimentary access to the premium web services. Thanks to Andy Jarvis and all the others involved.

South Sudan Country Codes
ISO haspublished the country codes forSouth Sudan. As expected inour blog posting it isSS. The letter codes forSudan remain the same, whereas the numeric code forSudan was changed from 736 to 729.
ISO Alpha-2 | ISO Alpha-3 | ISO Numeric | US BGN* | |
Sudan | SD | SDN | 729 | SU |
South Sudan | SS | SSD | 728 | OD |
*US BGN=Formerly FIPS PUB 10-4
Republic of South Sudan
South Sudan became an independent state on 9 July 2011.
The new country has received geonameid7909807.ISO has not yet assigned acountry code and we temporarily use the country codeXS. It will be changed to the official code as soon as ISO assigns a code to the new country. The ISO code is expected to be SS. TheRepublic of South Sudan is not the only country in theGeoNames database with a temporary country code. The other temporary country codeXK stands for Kosovo.
The features of South Sudan have been updated with the temporary country
Sudan had 25 ADM1 before the independence of the south. 15 ADM1 remain
with Sudan, 10 states are now the ADM1 of South Sudan which formerly composed the provinces of Equatoria (Central Equatoria, Eastern Equatoria, and Western Equatoria); Bahr el Ghazal (Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Western Bahr el Ghazal, Lakes, and Warrap); and Upper Nile (Jonglei, Unity, and Upper Nile).
Historical place names
Improving the way GeoNames handles historical names is a popularfeaturerequest. GeoNames is now beginning to address this question.
There are two new flags in the alternate name edit tool:
isHistoricfor names of the past that are no longer used.
isColloquialfor slang and colloquial names
At the recent Annual Meeting of theAssociation of American Geographers is was discussed how GeoNames could be extended to improve support for the timeline. Some attributes under consideration:
– fromPeriod (date, year, decade, century or period of usage)
– toPeriod
– source (book or map where the name is used), publication date of the source
– notes
The discussion for these fields is still ongoing and any feedback is welcome.
The two new flagsisColloquialandisHistoricare not yet included in the daily extract as we will probably add some more attributes and don’t want to change the extract files too often. Each change in the extact files breaks the import scripts of users. We will extract the records with the two new flags in separate files as a temporary workaround till everything is stable.
Wikipedia Web Services
Over the last couple of weeks a new data extract for thewikipedia web services was implemented and deployed. The major change is certainly the dramatically increased number ofgeo located wikipedia articles.
A new attribute ‘rank‘ has been added to the xml and json responses. It gives an indication of the popularity or relevancy of an article. The rank is an integer number from ‘1‘ for the least popular articles to ‘100‘ for the most popular articles. It is calculated from the number of links pointing to an article and the article length. The articles are more or less evenly distributed over the 100 ranks.
The ‘elevation‘ field is now filled for nearly all articles, where no elevation could be parsed from the article itself it was enhanced with a reverse geocoded value from srtm3 or aster. The ‘countryCode‘ coverage has also been improved. The attributes ‘population‘ and ‘elevation‘ are no longer set to ‘0’ for unknown values, they are left empty instead.