Welcome togeocompx!
Here you will find content, including books and beyond, on reproducible geographic data analysis, modeling, and visualization with open source software.
Thegeocompx project is a community-driven effort to provide resources for learning and teaching about geocomputation in multiple programming languages. It is abouteXchanging information about geocomputation,cross (X) pollination of ideas from one programming language for working with geographic data to another, and hosting additional content ongeocomputation with (X) other languages.
The project and this website evolved from the website originally created to host content aroundGeocomputation with R. Since the publication of that book in 2019, the community around the book has grown and now includes a nascent ‘geocompy’ community and the associatedGeocomputation with Python open source book project. It became clear that the ‘geocompr’ name was no longer appropriate for the more multi-lingual nature of the project.