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Call of Duty 2


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Game Trailer


  1. Once again you can experience the WWII battlefield, in Call of Duty 2. This sequel adds a new game engine, which provides improved visuals, AI, and weather effects. You can employ real squad tactics as you make your way through four distinct campaigns, each following a single soldier as he battles through historic conflicts. Call of Duty 2 also features maps that feature multiple paths to follow, offering a variety of cover and opportunities to use team tactics. Multiplayer modes return as well, allowing you to test your skills online against other players.

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Great (886 ratings)
Just Right (648)
17 Hours (517)

Game Detail

  1. Developer:Infinity Ward
  2. Publisher:Activision
  3. Also Known As:
    • Call of Duty 2 Collector's Edition (US, EU)
    • Call of Duty 2: Game of the Year Edition (EU)
  4. Franchises:Call of Duty

Game Trivia

  1. Letlev: That's enough, Comrades. Come over here and pick up a grenade!
    Soldier: These are potatoes, Comrade Commissar -- why are we using potatoes instead of real grenades?
    Letlev: Because real grenades are valuable! In fact, they are worth a lot more than you are!

    Contributed By:Shotgunnova
    15   4
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