


CodeWorks: Visual Scripting Framework

A downloadable game

Buy Now$34.99 USDor more

Note: This program is released on steam . 

IMP: If you buy it here you will get the steam key. 

Download Link:

This is a visual Scripting IDE for game-guru game engine. 

Check out tutorial and what other people have achieved with this: 

Main Tutorial: 

All credits to @smallg(lord of lua prog)  from Game Guru Forum...


Buy Now$34.99 USDor more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $34.99 USD. Your purchase comes with a Steam key. You will get access to the following files:

SteamActiavte.pdf48 kB

Development log


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Deleted account1 year ago
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I saw on the forums it said it supported it, do I just not understand what the forums were saying or does it support it

Deleted account1 year ago
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this looks like a very promising IDE, however I would definitely buy it if it has support for Defold or LÖVE

Hi, is the Defold support added? If so, that is really cool!
small question, will there ever be any discounts at some point? I want to support the framework, but the worth of dollar where I live sky rocketed. So will there ever be one? ^^

Would be cool to get a Godot Engine version of this.


could definitely see myself buying this if it got  godot support

Just checking back in to see if there's any news on the Defold support?

its was going well with backend being ready but from past 1 month my system is screwed & is under repair .. ☹️

Hey there I was wondering if this would work for godot?

and say VR game dev

i think i'd already replied on youtube comments...where u'd posted same question...

Excelente ... es algo que debe integrarse en el  Game Guru desde el principio. Eso lo llevaría a un nivel más cerca de los motores famosos ... famosos pero lejos del alcance de  muchos en términos de desarrollo en ellos.  ¡Felicitaciones desde Argentina!  Cuando salgamos de la crisis obviamente lo voy a intentar !!!!

How much is this going to cost?

29.99 USD (varies from country to country pricing on steam ) for GameGuru Classic + GameGuru Max

if you are not in good financial state, then email  me. I'll send you free steam key..

cool I'll send you a email

what's your email? 

I really want a copy. My money is extremely tight. In spite of that, I feel your pain because you work three or more jobs. Then you’re updating to stay on top of this amazing software. You’re very inspirational. To reach me; or my website:

I just saw this get posted to Steam. Congratulations! 

However, I saw that it is only listed for GameGuru. Has the other engine support been dropped? I had been really wanting this for Defold and Love.


addition of Defold & love api are finished but i find that without level editor its not usefull to beginners. Am working on visual level editor as part of codeworks... It will be out soon as complete solution. Just give me sometime. I'll have something extremely cool to show.


Thanks for the reply. Excited to see your work with Defold and others!

Hmmm, just looked on Steam and there's nothing there. Is this project no longer in development? It seems really interesting. Has anyone out there tried this at all?

am done with development of codeworks .. have uploaded it on steam will be out soon in 30-60 days. thank you for your interest 

Congratulations! I look forward to it.

Hello, is this going to be released this year? Looks interesting.


Hi, it will out in steam within 30-60 days ... will post news here on itch... thank you for your interest. Take care

will this also support godot and for VR??

Just checking on on this again. Any progress towards a release date?

finished with the development & testing will be out on steam in 30-60 days. thank you for your interest. Take care

I saw that there was a post a few months ago stating there was an expected Steam release soon, so I wanted to check back in on this. Any new timeline on release?

I see you have Love2D listed, which is Lua based. Please consider support for Defold as well since it is also Lua based. Very excitedly watching this for Godot/Love2D (hopefully eventually Defold :D )

Just at finishing stage for Defold support....

That's amazing! Thanks for the update.

Can't wait for this to be released. Excited for it to be available via steam or other methods.

Deleted account4 years ago
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Deleted account4 years ago
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Plis give link to steam I mast download this I like !!!

extremely sorry for delayed reply...its under development for other game engines.... will be releasing it soon on steam....

Meanwhile you can have a look at my other game dev tools:

Thank you for understanding...

Ok thanks and I waiting on this Really like this!

How close are we to release this software?

Due to Pandemic I'm undertaking few government projects ...most likely codeworks will be out in 3 months..

i need CodeWorks :) 

How to download

this software is up for release on steam on next month... kindly wait for a month...steam link will be posted on release....

Hi Ankrai,

Any news of CodeWorks for Steam? You are probably busy with your modeling software.

Anyway, keep up the excellent work.



codeworks final version will be on steam on or around April-May end....


Awesome...Can hardly wait. Cheers.

Deleted post5 years ago
Deleted5 years ago


i don't have answer of all that.... but i have updated the software to be available for free until release...(GG only)

Hi Ankrai,

Has support for CodeWorks stopped. It's giving me the "License Expired" message.



The feature support for most of the engine is complete and its headed for steam release. Since, you backed it will get its key on your email id upon its release. 

However, if you are using it on daily basis or you have some ongoing project on it..then i will make some makeshift arrangement ...let me know...? 

Hi, thank you for the reply. No need for a makeshift version. If it will soon come out on Steam, I can perfectly wait. Keep up the excellent work.

have updated...try re downloading...

Hi Ankrai, I backed this on IndieGoGo and, up until today, I could download the software...However, this is no longer on my library. Do I have to buy the sofware again? Thanks.

No... Just refresh it again...  or re add... if it still didn't work let me know..

Working. Thank you and keep up the excellent work.

HiANKRAI Gameworks, I have download your app but I can only select the GameGuru engine, why?

Other Game Engines are in testing stages and are available to select few. Thankyou for your interest. I am nearing towards the release of final build ... Soon it will be accessible to the general public... 

Great to hear this isn't totally dead. Looking forward to future news. :)

No, it ain't and was never dead... its just the silence before the storm... will come back with a bang!!... ;)

Not loaded, black screen !!!

Sorry, I'm very sorry that the project is no longer supported.
This was a super idea, because there are a lot of users (creative people) who don’t like and don’t want to program, they just want to play games, like an artist draws with a brush. We need this program.  Just about this program, no one knows, you need to promote and promote it. Barter on the card now has no money, but they will, I will help as I can.
You had to be patient and go to the end, who diligently goes to the end, God arouses him, this will be confirmed by any rich person who has achieved everything and has not received his wealth from ancestors.

download the new executable and make sure your are connected to the internet .. give it a few seconds to load ..followed up by logo it will take you to the main application.  If it still didn't work then kindly reply with your system configuration. 

"Sorry, I'm very sorry that the project is no longer supported."

Project is actively supported... and is currently in development. Its just that I stopped posting about it.

Thank you for your kind and wise words. 2 more months I will share something cool.    


Super, I am very glad, we will wait for good news from you!

Hello :-) , 

I have not opened the tool is a long while and I just did. Here is what I got: A blank page with the message (inside the software) : File not found. 

Am I doing something wrong?

EDIT: I uninstalled and re-installed the software . Now it still a blank page but it says : licence expired !

check now! .... strange...after everything what you mentioned on steam ..surprising that you r using it!!!

<<check now!>> 

I just did. It's full blanck ... 

<<strange...after everything what you mentioned on steam ..surprising that you r using it!!!>>

Smile, what's strange about that? Every now and then, one can simply open a software or a game he/she own to check it out. There is nothing bad or strange about doing such a thing my friend. I simply wanted to see how your work was going.  :-) . 

EDIT : it opened now. Looks pretty ^_^

Hello, happy to see that there was a fix for the offline issue. I just re-downloaded the file and now I notice that the only available option is the Game Guru, one. I can't seem to select any of the others. Also... I don't see a button for the S2 Engine or CopperCube. Looking forward to trying this out.

Only people that contributed to the Indiegogo campaign were from GG community.  Yesterday itself I'd released full block library for GG. As the campaign is almost ended..or I say it is living on fume for few more hours ...Since, I haven't received any support from other communities hence am not obliged to add support for there game engine... I'm not keen on S2 the developer has already abandoned the product and CC6 is not financially viable... 

Currently testing AppGameKit...

Godot and Unity C# is next in line... 

Sorry to disappoint you..Hope you'll understand my state...However, the final steam version will include my own 3d drag and drop game engine...way better than buildbox 3... check back later if it interest you...

No worries. Interesting... didn't know about S2 being abandoned. I thought there was a big update coming soon. Ha... thats just the way things go in this world. Anyway, good luck with keeping this going. Looks great.

Ha! Update... Been waiting for it since 9 months.... forum moderators keep saying its coming..its coming ..(might be better than Paul Revere ! ).  Even those moderators are not able to establish contact with him.Myself tried to contact Fabio (S2 dev) multiple times but never received a single reply. The problem is he need to complete the documentation then only  I could add its support in CodeWorks. In its current state documentation is missing a lot of API references. Personally, i want that engine to achieve success but  might be due to negativity he might have left...   

Wow.. sorry for not seeing this 86 days ago. lol

Good news is that there is in fact a new version of S2 Engine HD. I have it, and it's feeling pretty good. I think the user base is still small, but there youtube videos that keep coming out. I too hope for some more exposure and success for this engine.  Right now my biggest wish is that I had more time to muck around in it. Really busy with work and family these days. :(

This is looking pretty sweet. More videos would be great. Maybe showing some basic usage for some other engines? S2, Godot, CopperCube. Can never go wrong with more videos, I say.


Thanks for checking back...busy finishing the project ...will release it soon...·View all by GameDevToolmaker·Report·Embed

