Game Developers Conference 2025 in San Francisco starts today, and in the next few days thousands of game developers will showcase their creations, including web based companies and communities. Over the past 30 years, GDC has brought thousands of developers together to learn, grow, and connect. Our agenda is curated…
Vijay Pemmaraju is the author of the Daily Dungeon game where each day brings new dungeon with keys unlocking doors that have valuable artifacts behind them. Daily Dungeon is a project that I’ve been working on for about a month or so. After playing Wordle and many of its variants,…
Philippe Vaillancourt, inspired by participating in the js13kGames competition, decided to build his own WebGPU game engine that would fit in the 13 kilobyte zip size limitation – that’s how Nanojet was born. A lightweight, modular game engine built for modern browsers using WebGPU. Designed to be small enough for…
Eoin McGrath, long time participant of both js13kGames competition and Gamedev.js Jam, released his LittleJS tutorial where you can learn how to build an example game, Little Ski. Have you ever wanted to make a game but didn’t know where to start? Well, today is your lucky day. Because, we’re…
The recent Oscar winner in the animated film category, Flow, was created with free and open source software, Blender. During the 97th Academy Awards the animated story of a cat told without any words at all and featuring only animals was awarded with an Oscar. Latvian filmmaker Gints Zilbalodis created…
Created by Team Flow, Bubbits is a bubble shooter game with puzzle mechanics and various game modes built using Phaser and Colyseus. Battle it out in massive 25-Player online Battle Royale matches or go head-to-head with friends in the intense 2-4 player VS Mode. Take on the world in the…
An open source web game engine, SWGPU, focuses on simplicity all while exploring the benefits of using WebGPU when building web games. From the start, we chose to embrace the future with pure WebGPU 3D rendering pipeline as the name suggests. Written in TypeScript and powered by the latest cutting-edge…
Second event from the GitNation team at the similar time as JSNation is React Summit 2025 – happening June 13th and 17th, and since we’re partnering with this conference as well we do have another discount just for you. React Summit is an annual conference about React ecosystem and modern…
Chris McCormick, the author of Makesprite, released his sci-fi roguelike in space, Asterogue – fight ancient aliens on a rocky asteroid to save the whole galaxy. One thousand years of peace and prosperity in the galaxy have come to an end. You, a hummble lightswords-person, lost everything you loved in…
The JSNation event announcing itself as the main JavaScript conference of the year will be happening on June 12th (hybrid in Amsterdam) and 16th (remote), and we have a discount code for you. Understand the latest trends in JavaScript development. See what 10k+ JS developers are up to. Meet those…