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Funtime Alex_Fz

A member registered May 06, 2023

Recent community posts

You gonna copy paste the same message soon? 5 months ago you really commented so much, I counted 4. You commented once a week, 5 months ago or something? The 4 month ago one could been connected, then seems like you took a 2 month break to post another. And now less than 2 months you posted this one with your second account. Also can we talk about how5 of your comments is the same message?

Very copypasty in this webpage, aren't ya?

I think you need to know this about Jay's Horror Gaming. he's not some new guy that came to your webpage,he's been around since 1 year ago. I tracked down all of his comments, most of them are a year ago, I found a 10 months ago, and his 6 months ago was when you started chatting with him. And now his 21 days ago video, a small conversation started. And I bet thiswon't be the last you see of him.

Considering the history of this man here, He started commenting with a message 1 year ago. Now when he did it on date, I have no idea. The video he used is a member's only video of this game. His next 1 year ago comment is the same except he cut off the top and middle of his 1st comment's message.

Next 1 year ago video, he changed the comment's message, then the next 1 year ago comment, he changed it again. And then on his 10 months ago comment, wellit's actually the SAME as his last 1 year ago comment.

4 months later, he sent his first stream video with a new message in his comment. And that time, you finally responded.

And now 21 days ago, he decided to use his SECOND account to post the SAME stream video and changed the message with the ending being very similar to his 6 month ago one.

When I first wanted to chat to you about Jay, I only knew about this one and the 6 month one, but after seeing all the others; I just had to tell you as you don't seem aware considering you never questioned him.

I think he sent so many comments because he wanted to attract many people, viewing the comments, to go to hisYouTube Channel. It's the only thing that makes sense to me on why hecommented so much.

There was a dice in both of the showers? I thought there was only one and it does look like it made sense. I believe in the boys shower it had a dice with the number 4 on top, and it had a number 1 and a number 2 both facing forward out towards the other side. I thought that was how that was solved.

And the date? I thought it was going to be a number on the walls. Because I saw the number 3 hidden upwards in Tape 2, and I am sure I saw a 0 in tape 3; so I thought tape 1 also had it's number on the wall. All I found was a 8, at least I think it was a 8, and another 0.

I never considered the tape's date as I was thinking the number was done by the cult group. It's their passcode, so must be a number they had. I would of never thought they would use the camera guys stuff for it.

I got finished playing and I have complaints. Although my first one was on the dice one which is reasonable. I didn't notice that one dice was different from the other 2 in a way.

But on this one, I was stuck so badly and I can't even see how to solve this one issue. It's the 3 digit code for the pad for the door. I want to know where that 7 was at, because I ain't ever seen it in any of the tapes and I amfurious about it. This is such a issue that I think people that have beaten the game without looking at other gameplays; cheated and searched for the answer before recording and playing.

Where was that 7 at?

A true masterpiece? You are just trying to make Nadan feel great, there is no way this game is a master piece; not by a long shot.

Really, well made? So it's well made when it has tons of invisible walls; and forced to go to the private path when the character could just climb over the fallen tree, or walk around it?

I don't like this game, like it makes the character we play as super stupid. Like instead of jumping over the fallen tree or simply walking around the fallen tree, OR even walking anywhere on the dirt to get to the Outhouse; it's decided that I HAVE to go to the Private Property as if it's the ONLY WAY TO GET THERE.

Of course you have hundreds of people saying "Great game" or even "Greatest game" and giving you 5/5 or 10/10's, but in reality they are just typing what they always type to the games they play. They are, maybe unintentionally, misleading you to making more frustrating games like this one.

Now it's fine for them to think this is cool, I got spooked by the fallen tree(likely because I had my flashlight off during that). So it's not super terrible, just frustrating for people who aren't mindless fun enjoyers; for certain things mentioned.

Now it's frustrating due to the invisible walls and of course the illogical and impossibly unreasonable actions.(Like walking through private property instead of walking around the trees). Perhaps you can improve your next game? You already got mindless fun enjoyers that'll like it no matter what, so see if you can get people who aren't to like the next one?

You have 2 chairs clipped into the desk which made me think they were anomalies.

When I started playing, my game bugged and acted as if I had already smashed the first 5. Like when I spawn in, the Guy showed up and talked about getting into the elevator.(Despite that I haven't left yet.) Then I went out and started smashing the Vermin, after doing that; I was stuck. I had to exit to the menu to fix this problem.

Other than that, the game was fine.

I would say not, cause D Light and Embry dies in "It's my basement", I don't know about the other game.

I think it was just a random girl that went out into the woods.

Hello I am a guy who played this game and I am new to this "claim" thing. How do I unclaim this game? I tried looking around and the help links don't work. One was contacting you(gmail) but that link didn't work. So I decided to leave a comment.

Can you tell me how to unclaim this game?

1:18 How did you managed to get scared at that?

17:17 Did I hear that right; You want to fuck the ghost girl?

Imagine not understanding "More than once" Couldn't be me.

But I'll help you understand it in case.

More than once means like a number above 1 since 1 is once. I got scared once and that was it. So by your logic I am not an NPC so thanks for confirming me.

I don't know if this is a bug or if it's something I don't know about in computer keybinds but,  At the end I suddenly got Inverted controls and suffered for about a couple of minutes trying to get to the ending door.

And why do you like it? Cause I can't find my own reason to like it.

What? Creepy by picking up a part of Paul? You have to be new to horror games where you pick up body parts right? Cause I never considered picking up a body part, in a game, creepy.

Bro how is this game interesting? It has only 1 path and the overall gameplay is "Follow candles", Resurrect your friend, and run to your car by following candles.

How? How did you find fun in this game? Cause all I got was boredom.

Or maybe that a Demon took control of his body and wanted to do murder.

COMEDY GOLD?! That's such a bullshit lie. I never once thought this game was funny while playing. It was super boring.

Did you really call THIS GAME a comedy? What's so funny about this game? It's a guy screaming and dying only to be witchcrafted back but then losing his body to a demon who is trying to kill the summoner.

You call this good? This game was so terrible I deleted my footage. All that happens are things someone can replicate in a movie where it's only a specific path. Except in this game it's only one path and it's very lame. Even dying gives nothing but a restart to the very lame slow chase.

If only a secret ending woulda happened after seeing the blue snake and running back to the elevator.

Even without upgrading? If so then this game is too easy.

Does the reverse tower defense game have to upgrade the minions? Couldn't there just be combination uses for each type. Also why is the Cleric and Knight only playable in the last level? Aaaannd you can do this game fast without using anything but basic skeleton with the upgrade system sooo.

Imagine being scared more than once, Couldn't be me.

Ah yes the Main Attraction that only has 1 Scene of actually breathing, Breathes more than you did the whole game some how.

You must of been playing weak horror games cause I didn't get scared once playing this game. I'd call Baldi Basics scarier than this game.

What about this is Horror? The sudden change in the rooms? The Floor Breathing finally?

Been great, Got mad at the part when I couldn't call Petya beautiful though, And the other part that ends the love category

Question did the 2 choices change much of anything? Like what happens if I choose all Normal or Not Normal? on on Facebook
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