



The leading open-source NodeJS implementation of the Fritz!Box API.

Get Started

Currently v2.0.1

FritzBox.js is an open-source asynchronous JavaScript implementation of the non-public API ofAVM's Fritz!Box.

The goal of this project is to create an easy to use and open way to communicate with Fritz!Box. Help by making pull requests and opening issues onGitHub. All code isdocumented withDocumentation.js

Getting Started

FritzBox.js is future-proof and uses async/await promises. This means that you need to run NodeJS version 7.6.0 or newer. If your NodeJS version is between 7.0.0 and 7.5.0 you can use the harmony flag--harmony-async-await to make use of the async/await promises.


This package was tested on Fritz!Box 7390 and 7490, with firmware versions 6.53, 6.51 and 6.83.

Take a look at the testfiles for some examples.

Designed & built by@lesander andcontributors.

Code licensed under theMIT License, docs underCC BY 3.0.

