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I there I am more than fascinated about your game PooM. My question would be is it possible to port it to the play.date? I know that you have an experience with the system and I am curious (besides controls) if this game would be doable on the small little yellow square? It surely lacks an 3d-fps. Thanks for your time.
thanks and doable - that said, I am trying to come up with my own things for playdate.
I have a sort of blog (that I need to update) on my current work:https://devforum.play.date/t/freds72-3d-experiments-games/19606
Do you think you might ever take the features of this mod and turn it into a proper Doom WAD? I love the conciseness of design, and I come back to it all the time. I'd even take less monster variety if it meant more refined enemy design.
I love all the little details, like how the weapons have been rebalanced to account for four slots, how the Cacodemons have an almost miniboss-esque niche with their UVFast projectiles, how you can strafe Shotgunners, the way Lost Souls are like 60% less obnoxious, and the way the Cyberdemon is designed to push your circle strafing skills.
Great game! Originally just played the Pico-8 game, then discovered this! (More levels, yay!!!)
By the way, is this guy you?https://www.fiverr.com/braxnod/make-a-8-bit-game-in-pico-8-for-you?
He uses POOM as an example of his "capabilities" along with the basic JELPI platforming demo by Lexaloffle.