


Day of the Sandwich

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I made this in 15 days at the start of 2024. It's a tiny game about making a sandwich.

I hope you like it.

About Day of the Sandwich

It's a pleasant night. Delphine is fast asleep resting for tomorrows adventures. Her dreams are filled with a glorious bacon sandwich. Delphine, not one to ignore portents and omens is determined to recreate that bacon sandwich before leaving on her adventures.

Help Delphine find a way to solve the many issues and finally make the ultimate bacon sandwich in Day of the Sandwich. A game by @FractalMindMike

Classic pixel art graphics and real Roland MT-32 music recordings are used to lend an authentic retro vibe to the game.

Day of the Sandwich is heavily inspired by the visuals of Lucas Arts classics like Day of the Tentacle. The making of the game was recorded in almost all it's detail as the process was live streamed. With 14 episodes filled with tens of hours (50+) of game development content.
From technical decision making and programming to full art processes and production pipelines. The entire process of "how to make a game" is covered right up until the publication here on Itch.

All these hours of content will be freely available on Twitch and YouTube and the game is provided free. If you feel that these many hours of resources and this tiny game are worthwhile, I'd love it if you'd consider donating for this project.

YouTube playlist coming soon!

Twitch: VODs

Thanks to beeanyew for creating some fonts that I was able to use to improve the look of the game.

Huge thank you to@doctorcdcs for being the first play tester of the game (live on twitch, no less).

Also, huge thanks to@refractionpcsx2 for helping identify the newest bugs with the released version.

No cats were drugged in the making of Day of the Sandwich

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(36 total ratings)
Made withGIMP,Adventure Game Studio,Audacity,Krita
Tags2D,Cute,Pixel Art,Short,Sprites


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DotS Windows1.3.zip19 MB

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This was fun! :D 

Why hello...again!

Thank you for making this game as well! This and Day of the Hamster were fun to play through.

"man, that cat high as FUCK"

just like the day of the hamster, the day of the Sandwich is also my kind of game. It is a little bit shorter, but I will still recommend this game to my friends.

Great game, thank you for making it! The sausage reference made me literally laugh out loud xD

Hey there! Thanks for playing my little game! I'm glad you got some laughs from it. Hahah that cheeky cat. :D
I hope you enjoy the other games I'm working on too :D

When there is a sandwich, it is a great day! (Was a super great game!)

I'm so excited to play this and watch your development videos! I've been on the struggle bus wanting to make something similar, but getting lost on things like image resolution etc. Thank you <3

Thanks so much for the kind message! I hope you enjoyed playing it.
If you're every stopping by the streams, feel free to ask any questions. Or reach out in other ways if you like too.

Very nice game! Funny story, great DOTT style graphics and while the puzzles weren't exactly hard, they were well thought out and fun to solve. 

Why not also add it to the AGS main database? (No new upload, simply link it to this page.)

Thanks for this suggestion. I finally got around to adding it!

I didn't really know this was a thing. Hahaha!

This game was super fun! The art style is really neat! It brought me back to when I used to play Busy Town games in the computer lab in elementary school hehe

probably shouldn't have played this on an empty stomach

Most work I've gone through for a sandwich

Best game created about building a sandwich.

Hello, I would like to make music for this game, if you are interested you can contact me

I'm starting out in this universe. thank you!

3 minutes and 47 seconds! real fun game to speedrun, Great job!

my playthrough:

the 10/10 rating is there because its a good game for how short it is.

super cute and fun, i love stuff like this :] im a big fan of dott, and i think you did a really good job replicating the style !! also now i am hungry for an egg sandwich...

Oh - thank you! Really glad to hear you liked it. I could easily have spent another 2 weeks polishing the art and stuff, but I'm still happy with the results. Hope you find a way to get some fresh eggs for that sandwich ;)

Very fun game ! 

Hey, thanks for playing! :D I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Writing from France... si excuse my english!

I've enjoyed the game 'cause i'm quite old (46) and i've grown up with the Lucas games! Monkey Island, day of the tentacle, Indiana Jones and the last crusade, Loom... So your game has the same spirit!

Esthetically it's really well made, and it deserves to be discoverd

And on top of that, i'm a programmer... so i admire devs making of their own a full game experience (code, graphisms, musics...)

Really great!

Wow, what a wonderful message! Thanks so much for the encouragement. I'm also quite old hahah. I love these games too. Your english is great, too. Thank you again.

I did it was really nice , and I loved the graphics as well 😁

Wow, this game was a very fun AGS game, I liked it.

Hey, thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had fun making it :D

This game is pretty neat!

Thanks! You're pretty neat!

I enjoyed this game will include a playthrough of it as a bonus when I reach the end of Cleo : A Pirate's Tale

Hey Mike watching you currently on Twitch this game looks cool definitely will check it out

Awesome Angelus_04! Thanks again for joining me on Twitch, and I hope you have fun with this little game :D

Looks very good! Downloaded, but not played yet. Would this work in an AGS interpreter in pure DOS as well? (loading screen shows some .ags file being loaded, not sure if that implies it's done using AGS?)

Hey, thanks - I hope you enjoy it.

I doubt it'll work in DOS AGS, it was made with 3.6.0 AGS, and uses MP3 playback. Really not sure. Would be cool to get it working on DOS though. It reportedly works in SCUMMVM which is cool, though.

An incredibly charming experience! A lot of love was put into this, I can tell. Love the artwork, all shapey & simple & sweet! I'm a big fan of Delphine's character design too. Man... now I want a sandwich. 

Hey thanks for the great review! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Delphine was fun to create, too! Have a great sandwich 😎 🥪

great game, i guess if i not watched the streams (tried to avoid the gameplay)  it would take me a little more time to solve it.

Thanks for playing! And thanks for supporting the stream too!

Super excited to see how my non-pointy clicker brain solves this game! I'm hoping it takes me the standard 20 or so minutes and not something redonkulous like 3 hours (like a certain Zork mailbox boss took me...)

Hey, I'm sure you've got this. Good luck and thanks for playing <3

I loved Day of the Sandwich and reviewed it with 9 other games here: 


wow, thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the game that much! :D

thank you for making DOTS! I'm going to keep promoting this video as we have only 88 views and my other game review got 299 views. I think DOTS deserves as much attention as it can get! 

How do I give the catnip to the cat? Delphine just says they need some sort of "catnip delivery system?"  

Edit: Never mind. I figured it out

Congrats on figuring it out. That's one of the puzzles I intended to be tricky. Glad you found the solution! :D

Maybe it's an English pun, but I really didn't get it at all, solved it randomly clicking here and ther randomly. What is the "delivery system"?!?

Watched the final stream live - you put a lot of work into it.
Thanks for the fun little game and a Real Coffee experience.

If anyone was looking the default Save Game (F5) location, it is %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DotS

Great to see the game already on IGDB and HowLongToBeat (Handy for Playnite integration) 

Hey thanks for being part of it all! And thanks for sharing the extra info too. 👍

boy oh boy, I sure wish I could use the things that could clearly be used to attach a door handle

Ah, adventure games. 🤣 When I was making it, everything wastoo obvious - especially the door handle solution. So I wanted to add some junk to at least look at there.

Hopefully it wasn't too frustrating.

I had to take a break, i've clicked nearly everything and I can't figure it out.


On the work bench in the basement there are vice grips. Once you have those, you can use them on the door to the back yard.

Really fun game! I didn't even know AGS could build for web.

Yeah, neither did I until I was figuring out other build settings I was having trouble with. It can target Android, Linux, Web, and Windows. Was pretty cool to see it just work like that. I did encounter some issues with it that I haven't figured out how to fix. But at least the download version works pretty well.

Even though I basically watched the whole thing being made on stream, it was nice to finally play it. And it's quite a fun little game! Well done on putting it out there. It's motivated me to go back to AGS and finish my own game (that I've been procrastinating over for years). The background art is great, and so many references. Love it.

Thanks for playing! And thanks for being there for the dev streams. It was such fun, and I can't wait to get started on the next one. Good luck with the AGS project. Feel free to post in the discord dev chat if you're looking for continued motivation or assistance :D

Congrats on the release, an excellent mini-adventure! I was most impressed by the art, it perfectly hits the nostalgia itch combined with humor and many many references. The premise of things going wrong worked very well and I chuckled every time the game said "not so fast". Had this been submitted to a game jam, it would definitely score very high. It's astounding everything was done just by yourself (+chat) and this quickly, please keep going!

Thanks for such encouraging words! I really appreciate that - it was really fun to put it together and I'm looking forward to kicking off the next project on the stream soon!

Cool :) Day of the pizza coming soon? :D


Thanks Ana Moon! Not sure about any follow ups just now, but I do love the idea of a Day of the Pizza 🍕👀

Foamed1 year ago(11 edits)(+2)

It's a cute little game with cool art. I definitely had a really good time watching all the dev streams.

It would've been nice if  the game kicked you out to the desktop after finishing it instead of having to ALT+F4.                                                                                          
PS: I'm happy that no kitties were actually drugged in the making of this game.

Thanks for playing! Glad you've been enjoying the dev streams :D
Oh, right - I forgot about that alt-f4 thing. It's fixed now, will be in next release.

V1.2 now up. You can press escape in the end screen to quit, or press f9 to start again.

Well done with the game Mike! Glad to have help contributed some ideas ;) Its great to play this finally. You may have inspired me to possibly make one in the future now :D - VinylMinty

Thanks Minty! Really glad to have you around for the dev streams :D Good luck with your own future projects. I look forward to hearing more about it.

So, I need to get a gas hose from the BBQ. I was guessing that the BBQ itself was outside, so I clicked the door. However, Delphine refused to go outside because she needed to drink coffee first. I made the coffee, but then she suggested that she prefers to add milk. I tried to add milk, but then she said that it needed to be steamed first. To steam the milk, I need to use the stove. But to use the stove, I need a gas hose from the BBQ...

EDIT: Turns out that I need to use the coffee machine. I amkinda dumb.

Heheh. I'm glad there's some tricky puzzles in there :D Enjoy!

hey i played your game and really liked it. the art is great. i am sorry i missed your streams. did you make all the art on stream? also congrats on the following. how long have you been streaming for? i am a new and very small youtuber making yt vids about itch games like this one

would you be interested in having your game reviewed in my next video? i would probably rank ur game in the top 10 of all the games i have played but need to play it more to be sure. lmk what u think about all this

Thanks for the kind words! I did make all the art on stream. I've updated the description with a link to the VODs on twitch.

I started streaming a bit over 3 years ago on my main channel. I just started the development channel this year, so ~15 days ago.

I'd be delighted if you'd review the game, yes! I hope you enjoy the game, I've also updated it with a few bug fixes.

amazing! i will take some game play footage right now for the review. i will also try to dig up my old twitch account. i got locked out 3 years ago and have been mostly watching content on youtube but i would like to follow you on twitch to support your efforts! do you have any advice for content creators who are just starting out? i know consistency is huge and i need to be better about that. 

A great piece of advice comes from "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" which basically boils down to "Focus most on what you can control and only a little on what you can influence. Spend as little time as possible worrying about what you can't control or influence." This is referred to as the Circle of Concern sometimes.

With that in mind, focussing on content creation - you can control what you produce. You can probably influence how people engage with it to a certain degree.

You can control your schedule, even though sometimes finding time is hard. Trying to make time is important.

And yeah, you nailed it. Consistency is pretty important. I haven't been able to arrange my schedule to fit decent YT production yet, so I'm still trying to crack that myself. Heheh. Hopefully this year I can find a way to put more time into YT.

Thank you so much. This is really thoughtful advice. I donated $1 to support the project wish it could be more but i am only working part time to pay bills. I watched some of the VODs. I had no idea AGS Editor even existed. I use unity. I could not figure out what programming language you were using but it looked similar to c#/java a bit. The art really impresses me. You poured in so many hours into it!!!!! Thanks for taking the time to make this! 

I have recorded some gameplay footage but i worry its not late game enough. i am currently stuck looking for eggs. my first set of eggs cracked open and were stinky. i tried to go to the forest to look for more eggs from wild birds but i cant go to the forest right now. if you want me to highlight later game play i will need a hint of how to progress.·View all by FractalMindMike·Report·Embed

