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In all regular verbs the past tense (V-ed) and the past participle (V-en) are formed by adding [d/t/ɪd], in spelling-(e)d to the infinitive.— (László Budai,English syntax: (theory and practice), 1986,ISBN9789631795585, p. 11)
A talented man.
The four-legged animals.
Kaer he devoa mouscʼhoarzin pa gomzed outi, nʼhallas ket mirout ouzh ar beajour da gompren e oa trubuilhet he spered.— (Jakez Konan,Ur marc’hadour a Vontroulez, Al Liamm, 1981, page 37)
Cette désinence ne s’applique pas au verbe irrégulier :
-ed\Prononciation ?\