Docteur Doogie (Doogie Howser, M.D. ) est unesérie télévisée américaine en 97 épisodes de 21 minutes, créée parSteven Bochco etDavid E. Kelley , produite par la20th Century Fox Television et diffusée entre le19 septembre 1989 et le24 mars 1993 sur le réseauABC .
AuQuébec , la série a été diffusée à partir du2 septembre 1990 sur le réseauTVA , et enFrance à partir denovembre 1990 dans l'émissionAllô Bibizz ! surFR3 .
Un reboot,Docteure Doogie , est diffusé surDisney+ depuis le8 septembre 2021 [ 1] .
Cette série met en scène Douglas « Doogie » Howser, un adolescentsurdoué , diplômé de médecine à l'âge de 14 ans, qui exerce à l’Eastman Medical Center deLos Angeles . Maintenant âgé de 16 ans, il est à la fois confronté aux responsabilités de sa profession et aux problèmes liés à sa propre adolescence.
SourceVF :Doublage Séries Database [ 2] Pilot The Ice Queen Cometh A Stitch Called Wanda Frisky Business The Short Goodbye Simply Irresistible Vinnie Video Vici Blood and Remembrance She Ain't Heavy, She's My Cousin My Old Man and the Sea Tonight's the Night Every Dog Has His Doogie Doogie the Red-Nosed Reindeer Greed Is Good Attack of the Green-Eyed Monster It Ain't Over TillMrs Howser Sings Tough Guys Don't Teach I Never Sold Shower Heads for My Father Doogie's Awesome, Excellent Adventure Use a Slurpy, Go to Jail Whose Mid-Life Crisis Is It Anyway? Vinnie's Blind Date And the Winner Is… Breaking Up Is Hard to Doogie The Grass Ain't Always Greener Frankly, My Dear, I Don't Give a Grand Doogenstein Guess Who's Coming to Doogie's Ask Doctor Doogie C'est La Vinnie Car Wars Doogie Sings the Blues Academia Nuts Revenge of the Teenage Dead Nautilius for Naught Don't Let the Turkeys Get Down Oh Very Young TV or not TV A Woman Too far Presumed Guilty To Live and Die in Brentwood Air Doogie A Life in Progreess My Two Dads Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition Fatal Distraction The Doctor, The Wife, Her son, and the Job Planet of the Dateless Doogie's Wager A Kiss Ain't Just a Kiss Dances with Wanda The Summer of '91 Doogie Has Left the Building (Part 1) Doogie Has Left the Building (Part 2) It's a Damn Shaman The Cheese Stands Alone Lonesome Doog When Doogie Comes Marching Home Doogstruck Room and Broad Doogiesomething Truth and Consequences It's a Wonderful Laugh Dangerous Reunions Mummy Dearest Double Doogie with Cheese The Show Musn't Go On If This Is Adulthood, I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia What You See Ain't Necessarily What You Get My Father, My Self Educating Janine Sons of the Desert That's What Friends Are For Thank's for the Memories Club Medicine There's a Riot Going On Look Ma, No Pants Doogie Got a Gun Doogie Doesn't Live Here Anymore The Patient in Spite of Himself To Err Is Human, to Give Up Isn't a Bad Idea Doogie, Can You Hear Me? Nothing Compares 2 U Do the Right Thing… If You Can Figure Out What It Is The Big Sleep… Not! Will the RealDr Howser Please Stand Up The Mother of All Fishing Trips Roommate with a View Spell It 'M-A-N' It's a Tough Job… But Why Does My Father Have to Do It? The Adventures of Sherlock Howser Love Means Constantly Having to Say You're Sorry You've Come a Long Way, Babysitter Love Makes the World Go 'Round… or Is It Money? Dorky Housecall, M.D. Eleven Angry People… and Vinnie What Makes Doogie Run La série a été stoppée après quatre saisons par ABC.Steven Bochco a annoncé plus tard comment il aurait voulu clore l’histoire de son personnage. L’ultime saison de la série aurait montré le jeune médecin désillusionné par son métier, pour finir auteur[ 3] .