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Important News about Jim Parry and the Project
  • Offlinekilishan
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01-15-2020, 01:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-15-2020, 03:28 PM bykilishan.)

I've got some hard news to share with you.

For the last few months our project lead, Jim, has been struggling with lung cancer. He was undergoing treatment. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. A few days ago he passed away in his sleep.

Jim was the driving force behind keeping us moving, and was instrumental in rescuing CodeIgniter from EllisLab and driving it forward.

A couple of his sons have been in contact with Paul and I on the board to help transition everything into new hands. Jim had told them how important this project was to him, and they are helping to get the not-for-profit in good hands, collect the information needed to keep the sites running, and more.

We are still trying to sort things out but it looks like I'll be stepping into role as the Project Lead. Since the Foundation needs a member in British Columbia, one of the family members will take over the administrative roles in BC.

Turns out Jim's birthday was February 24th. We would like to shoot for that date for a final release of 4.0. In order for that to happen, though, I'll need your help. Jumping in and helping any reported bugs over at Github is great, but we also need help cleaning up the docs and ensuring we didn't miss anything, and that it's easy to understand. Every bit helps us get to this finish line.
  • Offlineincludebeer
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01-15-2020, 02:00 PM

Oh no! RIP Jim.Sad
  • Offlinejreklund
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01-15-2020, 02:46 PM

Wow, this sucks. :-( He will be missed!

Can't help with the code behind 4.0, as I haven't started used it yet. Hopefully I have the time to proofread the manual/docs a few time to iron out those "bugs" at least.
  • Offlinemuuucho
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01-15-2020, 03:58 PM

RIP Jim.
  • Offlinephp_rocs
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01-15-2020, 05:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2020, 06:35 AM byphp_rocs.)

RIP Jim, your presence and contributions will be greatly missed in the CI community.

Wow!! I definitely wasn't expecting to hear that. I'll see what I can do to assist.
  • OfflineMobostar
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01-15-2020, 05:30 PM

RIP Jim. People like you will always be missed.
  • OfflineJNapolitanoIT
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01-15-2020, 05:54 PM

Hey CodeIgniter team! I wanted to login really quickly to comment on this unfortunate event.

I am very sorry to hear about Jim and I hope his family is doing as good as they can through these troubled times. For the little bit it is worth, I send my condolences their way. I hadn't interacted with him but very little on GitHub when he commented on my lack of GPG Signing my commits Tongue

To Lonnie. You are the man Lonnie. I am unsure of how many times you get thanked for your amazing effort to spearhead CodeIgniter into the future, but you deserve more. You have literally (with ahuge thanks to Jim of course) sparked the PHP communities interest in CodeIgniter once again, brought it into a modern and relevant light and are just simply an amazing individual with great commitment. Therefor, I myself as a continuing user and supporter of this great framework, can think of no better person to take the project lead. Well deserved Lonnie ... well deserved indeed.

As to the user docs and all of that. I will make it my solemn duty to go through them and weed out the discrepancies within them as well as the Docblocks/comments in the codebase as there are many, many errors there too that I personally have come across when combing through the framework. I have used CodeIgniter for a very long time and it has helped me tremendously so if this is the wish of the team that help is needed now maybe more than ever, the least I can do is contribute too in an environment that does not require extensive TDD before each commit.

RIP Jim and I know you're in a happier place. I hope I can be of some service to help get this up and running by the 24th of February. I will certainly trySmile
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.
George R.R. Martin

  • OfflineInstrye
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01-15-2020, 06:36 PM

:/ sad. R.I.P
  • OfflinePoetawd
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01-15-2020, 07:32 PM

Wow. I wasn't expecting this.

But I believe that this will be the best way to honor him!

  • Offlinenewintenz
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01-15-2020, 07:50 PM

Sad news, RIP Jim
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