


PyTorch Docs: New Search Feedback Survey
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on the new search that was implemented on thePyTorch Docs Site site (available in the main branch only).
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
New Search: Relevance of Search Results
How relevant were the search results to what you were looking for?
Very irrelevant
Very relevant
New Search: Speed of Search Results
How would you rate the speed of the search results?
Very slow
Very fast
New Search: Look and feel of Search Results
How do you rate the search results form, including the use of colors, and formatting of the search results?
Very Poor
New Search: Autosuggest Feature
How relevant is the autosuggest feature in the new search?
Very irrelevant
Very relevant
New Search: Overall Satisfaction
How satisfied are you with the new search you used?
Very unsatisfied
Very satisfied
Which search feature do you prefer?
Freeform feedback
Please provide any additional comments or suggestions to improve the search functionality.
Google フォームでパスワードを送信しないでください。
このフォームは The Linux Foundation 内部で作成されました。

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Google フォーム
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  • 報告

