


The Gesa E. Kirsch and Center for Writing Studies Graduate Student Symposium: Proposal Form 2025
The Center for Writing Studies invites proposals for the 15th Annual Gesa E. Kirsch Graduate Student Symposium, which will take place from Thursday, April 24th through Friday, April 25th.

We are inviting graduate students at any stage in their programs from English, Communications, Linguistics, Education and other fields to present on topics of interest. This can include, but limited to writing, literacy, discourse, rhetoric, composition, education, media, and communication. Presenters are welcome to share their work through their preferred presentation type (i.e. individual papers,posters, workshops,in-progress projects, reflective presentations, videos, Pecha Kucha, panels, roundtables, performances, collaborative panels, other multimodal presentations, and experimental projects).

This symposium is a great opportunity for graduate students to present their work-in-progress and ideas and to receive feedback from an interested group of peers and faculty in a supportive environment. In the past, presentations have taken the form of adapted seminar papers, research-in-progress, excerpts from dissertation research, and more. In addition, many students have used this symposium as a means of piloting new ideas to be shaped into conference presentations or publications as well. And it is also a great line to add to your forever-growing CV!

This year's graduate student symposium will be held in person. Our program will involve remarks from invited speakers includingCWS faculty, Gesa Kirsch, CWS faculty, our keynote speaker (this will be announced at a later date), as well as graduate student presentations.

The precise start and end times of this year's event have yet to be determined, as the schedule for the event (especially graduate student panels and presentations) will be put together based on responses to this CFP.

To submit a proposal, please fill out the information below by Friday, March 28, 2025. If you are proposing a panel, only one member of the panel needs to submit this form. We also encourage you submit a proposal for a workshop if you have professional materials, classroom materials, or other proposals ideas you would like to conduct an informational/interactive workshop session on.
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Your Name *
Email *
Department *
Individual Presentation, Panel, or Workshop *
Presentation, Panel, or Workshop Abstract *
Please provide a brief (100-200 words) abstract of the work you would like to conduct a workshop on or present. If you are proposing a group panel, please describe your panel, and feel free to write a longer collective abstract. Additionally, if you are proposing a panel, please list the names of your co-collaborators.
If you are proposing an individual presentation, please indicate your preferred presentation length. * *
In the past, our keynote speakers have requested access to the abstracts submitted by symposium presenters to help better prepare their keynote talks. Are you comfortable with your abstract being shared with our keynote speaker? *

The symposium is a catered event. Please use this space to let us know if you have any allergies or other dietary restrictions.
If you have any disability or access needs that you would like to share with the planning committee please include them here. We will do our utmost to meet everyone's needs!
If there is anything else you would like us to know about your presentation format, its expected length, or any special needs your presentation will require (tech setup, materials, room setup, etc.), please describe below.
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