forkphorus runs Scratch 3, 2, and 1 projects really fast by compiling them to JavaScript. Try it out by pasting a project ID or URL into the field below,selecting a project file, dropping a file on the page, orexploring the examples studio.
Unshared projects are no longer visible due to Scratch API changes.
For more information and workarounds, visit:
forkphorus is still in development.Click here to report a problem with this project. You can also comment problemshere if you don't have a GitHub account.
Include the forkphorus player in your web site.
Get a link to a web page that automatically runs your project. To package to HTML, EXE, APK, or other formats, use theHTML packager.
Changes are applied automatically.
Help test unfinished features. These require a refresh to apply.Please read this first.
TurboWarp typically has better performance and compatibility than forkphorus and has an editor. Give it a try, you might like it.
forkphorus is maintained byGarboMuffin andother contributors. It is a fork ofNathan'sphosphorus. Its CPS-style compilation was inspired byRhys'ssb2.js. TheJSZip library is used to read.sb2
files. Thecanvg library is used to render SVGs for Scratch 2 projects. Thescratch-sb1-converter library is used to support Scratch 1 projects.
The source code for forkphorus is availableon GitHub.