


Rust Forge

    Rust Forge

    Welcome to the Rust Forge! Rust Forge serves as a repository of supplementarydocumentation useful for members ofThe Rust Programming Language. Ifyou find any mistakes, typos, or want to add to the Rust Forge, feel free tofile an issue or PR on theRust Forge GitHub.

    Help Wanted

    Want to contribute to Rust, but don’t know where to start? Here’s a list ofrust-lang projects that have marked issues that need help and issues that aregood first issues.

    rustThe Rust Language & Compiler
    cargoThe Rust package manager
    crates.ioSource code
    www.rust-lang.orgThe Rust website

    Current Release Versions

    ChannelVersionWill be stable onWill branch from master on
    Nightly +1

    See therelease process documentation for details onwhat happens in the days leading up to a release.

    No Tools Breakage Week

    To ensure the beta release includes all the tools, notool breakages areallowed in the week before the beta cutoff (except for nightly-only tools).

    Beta CutNo Breakage Week

    External Links

    • Bibliography of research papers and other projects that influenced Rust.
    • Rust Pontoon is a translation management system used to localize the Rustwebsite.

